How to become a volunteer
As a volunteer, you can share your ideas, knowledge, talent and skills with Parks Canada to build a legacy for Canada's natural and historic treasures!
Open the door to treasured experiences
- Determine where and when you would like to volunteer
- Contact the place where you wish to volunteer for further information and to request an application.
Frequently asked questions
What skills do I need to volunteer?
Most opportunities only require your enthusiasm, motivation and passion!
A few do require specific skills or qualifications, but the needs vary widely so simply tell us in your Volunteer application form (PDF format) about any special skills or education you would like to share with Parks Canada.
Do I have to volunteer for a specific number of hours per week or month?
No. We invite you to join us for a special event lasting only a few hours or welcome you to play a part in protecting and presenting your heritage year-round, year after year. How much you volunteer depends on you!
There are many opportunities, so there is sure to be a way you can volunteer with Parks Canada even given today’s often hectic schedules.
How old do I have to be to volunteer?
All ages are welcome!
Those under 18 years of age require permission from a parent or guardian to participate. In some locations, Youth Volunteer Projects exist that aim to create a fun and challenging environment where youth can develop skills and learn about nature and history.
Note: Volunteers who are 90 years old and older must legally accept that they are not covered by the National Volunteer Program Insurance Policy.
Can international visitors volunteer?
Opportunities are limited, but we welcome you to join us and hope we may offer you to chance to experience the essence of Canada!
If there is an opportunity for you as a Parks Canada volunteer, you may require a visa or other permit. We will assist you as much as we are able, but ensuring you meet the requirements of Citizenship and Immigration Canada is ultimately your responsibility. Please check directly with that department for up-to-date information about your obligations.
You may also consider contacting voluntourism organizations that specialize in facilitating volunteering overseas. A few of them have opportunities in Canada.
It is important to note that Parks Canada does not offer financial support for travelling to Canada and accommodation once in Canada.
Important considerations when volunteering
As a volunteer, you are not paid a daily salary, stipend or honorarium.
You are responsible for all expenses involved in travelling to and from the park, site or marine conservation area where you are volunteering. There are a few exceptions (eg. remote access parks). Please contact the location(s) of interest for details.
On-site or nearby accommodations may be limited. If you need somewhere to stay, please contact the location(s) of interest to determine what options may exist.
If you travel while participating in your volunteer experience, any food, transportation or accommodation expenses may be covered according to Treasury Board of Canada guidelines.
The ability to communicate in French is necessary if you wish to volunteer in Québec. It is also a valuable asset in other areas of Canada.
For the safety of all involved, you must be able to understand and communicate in either English or French.
Your safety is our highest priority. All volunteers will be provided with the necessary safety training and equipment.
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