Supplementary Information Tables

Supplementary Information Tables

List of Supplementary Information Tables for the 2017-18 Departmental Plan

Details on Transfer Payment Programs (TPP) of $5 Million or More

Name of transfer payment program National Cost-Sharing Program for Heritage Places
Start date 2008-09
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2016-17
Link to department's Program Inventory Program 1.2: Heritage Places Conservation
Sub-Program 1.2.5: Other Heritage Places Conservation
Description The Program assists recipients in conducting activities aimed at ensuring the heritage value of non-federally owned or administered heritage places that have been formally recognized by the Government of Canada. It provides financial contributions to eligible recipients to share the costs of work necessary to ensure the physical health of a heritage place and to ensure Canadians understand the importance of the site and its role in the history of Canada.
Expected results
  • Cultural resources of national significance at heritage places recognized by the Government of Canada are maintained or improved.
  • Canadians in communities of all sizes across the country will have access to cultural and recreational facilities, contributing to vibrant and inclusive communities in which Canadians desire to live.
Performance Indicators:
  • Number of heritage places where cultural resources of national significance are maintained or improved through cost-sharing funding.
  • Number of discrete projects funded.
  • Number of communities receiving resources for cultural infrastructure.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2012-13
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2018-19
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit organizations; Provinces and territories; Municipalities and local organizations; Indigenous groups
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients
  • Promotion and outreach through internal national networks across the Agency to inform potential applicants and recipients;
  • Communication with the Federal Provincial-Territorial Collaboration on Historic Places in Canada and targeted heritage organizations/stakeholders to promote the program;
  • Information shared via different social media channels and web presence on the Parks Canada website ( and;
  • Direct correspondence to inform newly eligible site owners; and
  • Presence at key conferences (Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference, National Trust Conference).
Planning Information (Dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2016-17
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 10,000,000 10,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 10,000,000 10,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Disclosure of Transfer Payment Programs Under $5 Million

Name of transfer payment program General Class Contribution Program (GCCP)
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department's Program Inventory Program 1.1: Heritage Places Establishment;
Program 1.2: Heritage Places Conservation;
Program 1.3: Heritage Places Promotion and Public Support;
Program 1.4: Visitor Experience;
Program 1.5 Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites Management
Main objective The objective of the program is to assist recipients in conducting activities and delivering projects that will support the Agency in fulfilling its mandate to preserve and protect nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage and present and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.
Planned spending in 2017-18 $4,464,324
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) 2021-22
General targeted recipient groups First Nations communities, Other Aboriginal recipients and organizations, Industry-related groups, International organizations and foreign countries, Municipalities and local organizations, Non-profit organizations, Provinces and territories
Name of transfer payment program Grant to the International Peace Garden
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Appropriated annually through Estimates
Link to department's Program Inventory Program 1.2: Heritage Places Conservation
Sub-Program 1.2.5: Other Heritage Places Conservation
Main objective To help defray the costs of operating the International Peace Garden
Planned spending in 2017-18 $22,700
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation (if applicable) 2021-22
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit organizations

Programs planned to be evaluated in the next five years

Fiscal year (of the planned date for deputy head approval of the evaluation report) Title of the evaluation Completion of last evaluation Link to department’s Program Inventory Planned spending associated with the program(s) evaluated (dollars)
2017-18 Townsite Management Not applicable Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites $13,919,540
2017-18 National Historic Sites Conservation Not applicable Heritage Places Conservation $84,575,849
2017-18 National Historic Sites Visitor Experience January 2012 Visitor Experience $54,055,568
2018-19 National Historic Sites Cost-Sharing Program December 2012 Heritage Places Conservation $10,000,000
2020-21 Law Enforcement March 2017 Heritage Places Conservation $9,000,000
2020-21 General Class Contribution Program (GCCP) March 2017 Across all programs $0 (horizontal contribution program with amounts included across all programs)
Total organizational spending Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable $171,550,957
Note: Parks Canada is unable to submit a five-year evaluation schedule as the Agency is currently transitioning to a Departmental Results Framework. This table presents evaluations that as of March 2017 were planned for approval in the 2017-18 fiscal year. It also includes a future schedule for required evaluations. This schedule is subject to change following approval of the departmental evaluation plan for 2017-18 which was still under development at the time of publishing this report.
Programs with no planned evaluations in the next five years
Link to the departmental Program Inventory Completion of last evaluation Rationale for not evaluating in the current five-year cycle Planned spending associated with the programs not planned to be evaluated (dollars)
Heritage Places Establishment July 2015 Decision to evaluate will be revisited next year based on the annual evaluation planning exercise. $12,574,855
Heritage Places Conservation July 2015 Decision to evaluate will be revisited next year based on the annual evaluation planning exercise. $115,990,775
Heritage Places Promotion and Public Support Not applicable Decision to evaluate will be revisited next year based on the annual evaluation planning exercise. $42,921,405
Visitor Experience January 2012 Decision to evaluate will be revisited next year based on the annual evaluation planning exercise. $472,680,474
Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites March 2012 Decision to evaluate will be revisited next year based on the annual evaluation planning exercise. $422,600,590
Total organizational spending Not applicable Not applicable $1,066,768,099

Total planned organizational spending in dollars (programs planned to be evaluated in the next five years plus programs with no planned evaluations in the next five years): $1,238,319,056

Upcoming Internal Audits for the Coming Fiscal Year

Title of Internal Audit Internal Audit Subject Status Expected Completion Date
Asset Accounting Internal controls / Financial management controls In progress July 2017
Business Continuity Planning Internal controls In progress October 2017
Management of Selected Infrastructure Projects Internal controls / Financial management controls In progress October 2017 / March 2018
Realty Control Framework Internal controls / Financial management controls Planned December 2017
HR Data Integrity Controls Internal controls / Human resources Planned March 2018
Selected Environmental Management Controls Internal controls Planned March 2018
Occupational Health and Safety Program Internal controls / Human resources Planned March 2018
Maximo Data Quality Internal Controls Planned June 2018
Information Management (record keeping) Internal Controls Planned December 2018
Note: The planned internal audits are based on the revision of the Agency's multi-annual internal audit plan 2016-2017 to 2018-2019 and are subject to change after approval of the 2017-2018 to 2019-2020 plan. The latter was under development at the time of publication of this report.

User Fees and Regulatory Charges

Fee proposal name Fee type(s) Fee-setting authority Reason for planned change of existing fee or introduction of new fee Effective date of planned change of existing fee or introduction of new fee Consultation and review process planned
Entry and Lockage Fees

Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Make admission for all visitors free in 2017, the 150th anniversary of the Confederation. January 1st to December 31st, 2017 No consultation required.
Entry Fees

Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Make admission for children under 18 free beginning in 2018. January 1st, 2018 No consultation required.
Entry Fees

New and amended
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Part of ongoing review cycle TBD Any potential revision to the existing fee structure might be subject to a consultation process, these instances will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Parks Canada will abide by the applicable legislation and Federal guidelines.
Camping Fees

New and amended
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Part of ongoing review cycle

Introduce new product offers to respond to market demand
Lockage Fees

Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Part of ongoing review cycle TBD
Municipal Services

New and amended
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Part of ongoing review cycle TBD
Other Revenues

Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Part of ongoing review cycle TBD

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