2012-2013 Parks Canada Agency Corporate Plan

Section IV - Other Items of Interest

New Parks and Historic Sites Account - Source and Use of Funds

The following criterion identifies which potential new protected heritage areas, and unfinished national parks, national marine conservation areas and national historic sites are eligible for funding from the New Parks and Historic Sites Account.

  1. All national historic sites, national parks and national marine conservation areas designated or established after 1988 that have not reached a level where they provide basic resource protection, visitor service and heritage presentation as specified in their initial management plan, or have not completed all the development initiatives set out in their respective establishment agreements, including requirements to accomplish these things over the relevant planning period.

In addition to the above, the following guidelines also determine the types of expenditures that may be made from the account:

All capital expenditures exceeding $10,000 related to the acquisition of lands and extinguishment of resource and development rights. All capital development expenditures exceeding $10,000, including planning, design and construction of specific facilities and infrastructure; cultural and ecological resource stabilization and restoration; development of heritage presentation media; and initial fleet and equipment acquisitions.

The national parks, national marine conservation areas and national historic sites eligible for funding from the New Parks and Historic Sites Account are:

National Parks National Historic Sites
National Marine Conservation Areas



Gulf Islands

Torngat Mountains

Nahanni (related to expansion)

Sable Island

*Proposed new parks:

Bathurst Island

Saoyú-ʔehdacho Lake Superior
Gwaii Haanas

*eligible for funding following designation or establishment

New Parks and Historic Sites Account - Source and Use of Funds

(in thousands of dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Source of Funds

from Payment
Vote 30 (Main Estimates)

500 500 500 500 500 500
from Sale of Land and Buildings 400 400 400 400 400 400
from Carry Forward of Previous Years 20,305 12,016 10,053 8,423 5,657 6,557
Total 21,205 12,916 10,953 9,323 6,557 7,457
Use of Funds
for Capital Projects 9,189 2,863 2,530 3,666 0 0
Total 9,189 2,863 2,530 3,666 0 0

Due to rounding, figures may not add up to totals shown

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