1.0 Designation of Heritage Railway Stations

1.0 Designation of Heritage Railway Stations

Under this policy, any railway stations that are owned or controlled by railway companies subject to the Railway Act will be considered eligible for designation; this includes the Canadian National Railway Company with respect to both its own railways and Government of Canada railways which it manages and uses.

1.1 Identification

The railway companies, other levels of government and the general public will be encouraged to propose eligible railway stations to the Minister of Canadian Heritage for designation.

Parks Canada will notify the railway company and the provincial or territorial government in which the station is located of the proposed designation, and will carry out the research necessary for the identification and evaluation of eligible railway stations.

1.2 Evaluation

The Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada will evaluate eligible stations in accordance with historical, architectural and environmental criteria that have been established for this purpose, using research prepared by Parks Canada and other relevant information.

1.2.2 The Board will advise the Minister whether a station should be designated a heritage railway station. If the recommendation is positive, the Board may also recommend designation for certain features of the station.

1.3 Registration

Once the Minister has approved a positive recommendation from the Board, a station is designated as a heritage railway station and, when applicable, certain of its features are designated as heritage features. Affected railway companies and provincial or territorial governments will be notified.

A designated station will be entered in the Register of Heritage Railway Stations, maintained by Parks Canada, along with a statement of its heritage character. Designated railway stations will be recognized by appropriate markers or otherwise.

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