
The persons listed below (in alphabetical order by last name) were the principal interviewees in this review. Some of these individuals were interviewed on multiple occasions on different aspects of the HR regime. In some cases, principal interviewees invited members of their staff to participate in interviews with the review team.

Barlow, Jim: Superintendent Coastal British Columbia
Bird, Chip: Superintendent, Newfoundland and Western Labrador
Borsa, Leah: ADR and Conflict Management
Bourgault, Anne Marie: Employment Equity
Brooker, Heather: President, National Component, Public Service Alliance of Canada
Cameron, Christina: DG, National Historic Sites
Chateauvert, Sylvie: Occupational Health and Safety
Claydon, Pauline: Classification
Emmett, Kathryn: Executive Director, Northern Parks
Fay, Mike: Chief Administrative Officer
Fisher, Bill: Executive Director, Mountain Region
Fortin, Gaby: DG, West and Northern Canada
Fournier, Sylvie: Manager, Operational Services National Historic Sites Branch
Gadd, Andrew: Director HR Strategy, Research and Systems
Girard, Wendy: Strategic HR Advisors Western and Northern Canada, Girouard, Sylvain: Staffing
Godin, Denis: Strategic HR Advisor Eastern Canada
Johanson, Mart: Executive Director, Service Centres
Katz, Susan: Director, Legislation and Policy Branch
Lafontaine, Richard : Director Labour Relations, Compensation, Occupational Health Safety
Larouche, Alexandre: Senior Legal Counsel
Latourelle, Alan: Chief Executive Officer
Latreille, Michel: Chief Human Resources Officer
Lepine, Diane: Learning and Development, Performance Management, Rewards and Recognition.
Lopoukhine, Nik: DG, National Parks
Marleau, Suzanne: Director Classification and Organizational Design
Martin, Luc: Chief of Staff to the CEO
Nardi, Frank: Staffing
Perkins, Terry: Senior Financial Officer
Racette, Nicole: Director, Communications
Sheedy, Carol: DG, Eastern Canada
Stewart, Doug: Superintendent, Eastern Ontario
Tremblay, Laurent: Executive Director (Québec)
Weninger, Josie: Superintendent SouthWest NWT
Whitfield, Carol: Superintendent, Cape Breton
Whitmore, Tina: Occupational Health and Safety
Wing, Mike: President, UCTE
Wong, Mike: Executive Director, EI Branch


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