
Departmental Performance Report 2012-13 - Supplementary Information Tables

Details on Transfer Payment Programs

Name of transfer payment program: General Class Contribution Program (GCCP)

Start Date: 1995-1996

End Date: Ongoing

Description: The objective of the program is to assist recipients in conducting activities and delivering projects that will support the Agency in fulfilling its mandate to preserve and protect nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage and present and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.

Strategic outcome: Canadians have a strong sense of connection, through meaningful experiences, to their national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are enjoyed in ways that leave them unimpaired for present and future generations.

Results achieved:

($ millions)
Heritage Resources Establishment 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.2 (0.4)
Heritage Resources Conservation 2.2 1.4 1.3 2.5 2.5 (1.2)
Public Appreciation and Understanding 3.2 3.5 5.4 7.5 7.5 (2.1)
Visitor Experience 1.4 3.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0
Townsite and Throughway Infrastructure 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 (0.1)
Total Contribution 8.0 9.8 8.3 12.1 12.1 (3.8)

Due to rounding, figures may not add up to totals shown.

Comments on variances: The increase in actual spending in 2012-13 is primarily the result of increased funding received for the Implementation of Canada’s Copenhagen Accord as well as additional contributions sourced from operating funding.

Audits completed or planned: n/a

Evaluations completed or planned: n/a

Engagement of applicants and recipients: n/a

Greening Government Operations Table for 2012-13


The Greening Government Operations (GGO) supplementary table applies to departments and agencies bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act, the Policy on Green Procurement, or the Policy Framework for Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Major International Events.


  • RPP” refers to the Report on Plans and Priorities and represents planned or expected results.
  • DPR” refers to the Departmental Performance Report and represents actual results.
  • “Departments” refers to departments and agencies.
  • FY” refers to fiscal year.

Green Building Targets

8.1 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, new construction and build-to-lease projects, and major renovation projects, will achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance.1
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Number of completed new construction, build-to-lease, and major renovation projects in the given fiscal year, according to the departmental strategic framework. 0 0
Number of completed new construction, build-to-lease, and major renovation projects that have achieved an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, according to the departmental strategic framework. 0 0
Existence of a strategic framework. Yes; Completed March 31,2012 Yes; Completed March 31,2012

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Minimum level of environmental performance: LEED® Gold for new construction and LEED® Silver for major renovations, or equivalent.
  2. Minimum floor area: 1000m2
  3. Minimum dollar value: $1M for major renovations only.
  4. Applicable building types: All of Parks Canada buildings excluding heritage buildings.
  5. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: There were no planned/completed new construction or major renovation projects as identified in the strategic framework in 2012-13. A strategic framework was completed and the Parks Canada Green Building Directive was updated and approved in March 2012 to incorporate the requirements for this target.
  6. The Parks Canada Green Building Directive (2012) requires that:
    • Construction of new buildings greater than 1,000 square metres must meet Gold level of the applicable LEED® Canada rating system or equivalent and must be registered and certified by the Canada Green Building Council, or equivalent.
    • Major renovations of existing buildings (excluding heritage buildings) over 1,000 square metres and of project value greater than $1M, must meet Silver level of the applicable LEED® Canada rating system, or equivalent, and must be registered and certified by the Canada Green Building Council, or equivalent.

8.2 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, existing crown buildings over 1000m2 will be assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool.2
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Number of buildings over 1000m2, according to the departmental strategic framework. 60 60
Percentage of buildings over 1000m2 in the given fiscal year that have been assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool, according to the departmental strategic framework. TBD* 0%
Existence of a strategic framework. Yes; Completed March 31,2012 Yes; Completed March 31,2012

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Minimum level of assessment: BOMA BESt Level 1
  2. Minimum floor area: The office/operations, public use or heated storage floor space combined is greater than 1,000 square metres
  3. Applicable building types: Buildings used for operations, administration and/or public use; occupied by staff year-round; and built prior to the year 2000
  4. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: A strategic framework was completed in 2011-12 and the Green Building Directive was updated and approved in March 2012 to incorporate the requirements for this target.
  5. Parks Canada Green Building Directive (2012) requires that existing buildings over 1,000m2 that meet the following criteria be assessed over a five year period beginning in 2012-13:
    • The building is used for operations, administration and/or public use;
    • The office/operations, public use or heated storage floor space combined is greater than 1,000 square metres;
    • The building is occupied by staff year-round;
    • The building was built prior to the year 2000.

* The Building Assessment Schedule has not yet been established and is expected to be completed in FY 2012-13. It should be noted that this schedule might not include planned building assessments for FY 2012-13.

8.3 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, new lease or lease renewal projects over 1000m2, where the Crown is the major lessee, will be assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool.3
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status N/A
Number of completed lease and lease renewal projects over 1,000m2 in the given fiscal year, according to the departmental strategic framework. N/A N/A
Number of completed lease and lease renewal projects over 1,000m2 that were assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool in the given fiscal year, according to the departmental strategic framework. N/A N/A
Existence of a strategic framework. N/A N/A

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. All building space leases over 1,000m2 are managed by PWGSC so this target is not applicable ("N/A") to Parks Canada.

8.4 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, fit-up and refit projects will achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance.4
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Number of completed fit-up and refit projects in the given fiscal year, according to the departmental strategic framework. 0 0
Number of completed fit-up and refit projects that have achieved an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, according to the departmental strategic framework. 0 0
Existence of a strategic framework. Yes; Completed March 31,2012 Yes; Completed March 31,2012

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Minimum level of assessment: LEED® Silver
  2. Minimum dollar value: $1M
  3. Applicable building types: All Parks Canada Buildings excluding heritage buildings
  4. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: A strategic framework has been completed in 2011-12 and the Green Building Directive was updated and approved in March 2012 to incorporate the requirements for this target.
  5. Parks Canada's Green Building Directive (2012) requires that fit-ups and refits with a project value greater than $1M within existing buildings (excluding heritage buildings), must meet Silver level of the applicable LEED® Canada rating system, or equivalent, and must be registered and certified by the Canada Green Building Council, or equivalent.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target

8.5 The federal government will take action now to reduce levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its operations to match the national target of 17% below 2005 by 2020.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On Track
Departmental GHG reduction target: Percentage of absolute reduction in GHG emissions by FY 2020-21, relative to FY 2005-06. 10.1% 10.1%
Departmental GHG emissions in fiscal year 2005-06, in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent. 37.9 37.9
Departmental GHG emissions in the given fiscal year, in kilotons of CO2 equivalent. 37.1 35.1
Change in departmental GHG emissions from FY2005-06 to the end of the given fiscal year, expressed as a percentage. 2.1% reduction 7.4% reduction
Existence of an implementation plan to reduce GHG emissions. Yes; Completed in 2011 Yes; Completed in 2011

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Targeted emissions include GHG emissions from energy consumed by facilities and fleet owned and operated by Parks Canada.
  2. Targets have been issued to each field unit and service centre. Progress reports have been developed for each unit and will be shared annually.
  3. The Parks Canada Master Plan for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases outlines strategies to improve the energy efficiency of the fleet and facilities, implement the use of renewable fuels and renewable energy systems, and engage employees.
  4. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected
    1. A comprehensive emission tracking system is currently in place.
    2. The Parks Canada Master Plan for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases has been developed and communicated to staff.
    3. The GHG emissions are on a clear downward trend.
  5. Weather conditions have a significant influence over the quantity of energy Parks Canada consumes in a given year.

Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment Target

8.6 By March 31, 2014, each department will reuse or recycle all surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in an environmentally sound and secure manner.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Existence of an implementation plan for the disposal of all departmentally generated EEE. Yes; Completed March 31,2012 Yes; Completed March 31,2012
Total number of departmental locations with an EEE implementation plan fully implemented, expressed as a percentage of all locations, by the end of the given fiscal year. 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Definition of location: 33 business units and the national office.
  2. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Parks Canada approved the Parks Canada Guidelines for the Disposal of Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE) in March 2012. These guidelines have been distributed and implemented in each location and posted on the Parks Canada Intranet.

Printing Unit Reduction Target

8.7 By March 31, 2013, each department will achieve an 8:1 average ratio of office employees to printing units. Departments will apply the target where building occupancy levels, security considerations, and space configuration allow.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units in fiscal year 201011, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. (Optional) N/A N/A
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units at the end of the given fiscal year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. 7:1 8:1

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Definition of printing unit: Parks Canada Agency defines "printing unit" as networked printers and multifunctional devices.
  2. Scope: Due to the operational structure of Parks Canada, some buildings have a lower ratio due to building occupancy and space configurations. These will be scoped out of the target.
  3. Method used for determining # of printing units: IT equipment inventory & Network Discovery Tool - validation by local IT Managers.
  4. Method used for determining # of office employees: Active network accounts (in scope) - validation by local IT Managers.
  5. Number of scoped employees is 2,263.
  6. Target status has been set to “Achieved” because the target ratio was met in the specified timeframe.
  7. Environmental benefits: longer-term reduction of e-waste, reduce paper/toner consumption, energy conservation.
  8. Plans/Strategies: Developing a directive on the use of technology which includes printing, ultimately limiting and minimizing the use of desktop printers.
  9. Roles and responsibilities: Chief of Environmental Management in collaboration with the Information Technology section.

Paper Consumption Target

8.8 By March 31, 2014, each department will reduce internal paper consumption per office employee by 20%. Each department will establish a baseline between 2005–06 and 2011–12, and an applicable scope.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status Exceeded
Number of sheets of internal office paper purchased or consumed per office employee in the selected baseline year, according to the departmental scope. 2,120 sheets/FTE in 2010-11 1,902 sheets/FTE in 2010-11*
Cumulative reduction (or increase) in paper consumption per office employee in the given fiscal year, expressed as a percentage, relative to the selected baseline year. 10% reduction 32% reduction 1,294 sheets/FTE

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Scope: Parks Canada has defined its "office employee" as all full-time equivalent employees (FTE).
  2. Method used for determining paper consumption: PWGSC standing offer data
  3. Method used for determining # of office employees: Human Resources Report
  4. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Department has surpassed the set target of a 20% reduction in paper consumption.

* Base year paper consumption reported in the FY 2011-12 RPP has been adjusted to reflect improved methodology.

Green Meetings Target

8.9 By March 31, 2012, each department will adopt a guide for greening meetings.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Presence of a green meetings guide. Yes; Adopted
March 31,2012
Yes; Adopted
March 31,2012

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Definition of "adoption": The guide was considered to have been adopted when the guide was:
    1. approved by the Chief Administrative Officer;
    2. communicated across the Agency via memo; and
    3. posted on the Intranet.
  2. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Parks Canada has adopted a green meeting guide.
  3. Key Components: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Energy Consumption and Waste/ Reduce Paper Consumption / Hospitality / Procurement / Location.

Green Procurement Targets

8.10 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish at least three SMART green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.

1. By March 31, 2014, 75% of vehicles purchased annually will be from the Parks Canada Preauthorized Vehicle List.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Percentage of vehicles purchased that were on the Parks Canada Preauthorized Vehicle List. 75%
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

Why this self selected target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Refers to specific type of commodity and purchasing mechanism;
  2. Measurable: Information available from PWGSC and basic analysis;
  3. Achievable: Consistent with Parks Canada direction;
  4. Relevant: Promotes cost savings and greenhouse gas reduction;
  5. Time-bound: Date established for baseline, target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. The Parks Canada Preauthorized Vehicle List includes vehicles that meet criteria (including fuel efficiency) stated in the Parks Canada Light Fleet Vehicle Management Directive.
  2. Rationale for the traffic light indicator selected: Parks Canada has achieved its set target and Parks Canada Light Fleet Vehicle Management Directive will ensure the target is maintained.
  3. The baseline of 67% was determined by using the average percentage of vehicles purchased from 2004–05 to 2009–10 that were on the Parks Canada Preauthorized Vehicle List.

2. By March 31, 2014, 90% of purchases and leases of printers, photocopiers and multifunctional devices will have one or more environmental feature.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status On track to exceed
Number of printers, photocopiers and multifunctional devices purchased or leased that have an environmental feature relative to total number purchased. 98/98 (in 2012-13)
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 80% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

Why this self selected target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Refers to a specific type of commodity and purchasing mechanism;
  2. Measurable: Information available from financial records and inventory systems;
  3. Achievable: Consistent with Parks Canada direction;
  4. Relevant: Promotes cost savings, greenhouse gas reduction or reduced paper consumption;
  5. Time-bound: Target date established.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Environmental features include duplex printing capability or automatic shutoff/sleep mode.
  2. Internal policies have been reviewed and communicated as required.
  3. Printers are tracked using the report provided by PWGSC.
  4. Target status has been set to "On track to Exceed" based on a report of printers (from PWGSC) acquired during the measured fiscal year. Furthermore, all printers and copiers on the NMSO, have environmental certifications that are mandatory.

3. As of April 1, 2012, office computers will have a minimum average service life of three years.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Average service life of office computers; 3 years;
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

Why This Self Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Refers to a specific type of commodity;
  2. Measurable: Information available from inventory systems;
  3. Achievable: Consistent with Parks Canada direction;
  4. Relevant: Promotes cost savings and electronic waste reduction;
  5. Time-bound: Target date established.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Internal policies have been reviewed and communicated as required.
  2. Inventory system has been refined to ensure a tracking process is in place.
  3. Yearly Computer replacement plan identifies and suggests computers that need replacement based on life cycle (3 to 5 years.)
  4. Target status has been set to "Achieved" based on the actual life cycle applied to the complete inventory of office computers at Parks Canada.

8.11 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision making.

Training for select employees

By April 1, 2012, 75% of procurement and contracting personnel will receive green procurement training.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status Exceeded
Number of procurement and contracting personnel with formal green procurement training, relative to total number of procurement and contracting personnel. 88% (in 2012-13)
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

Why This Self Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Achievement level of 75%, type of employee and type of training
  2. Measurable: Information available from PCA HR and CSPS
  3. Achievable: Procurement and contracting goal of all existing and new employees to take Green Procurement training
  4. Relevant: Targets all relevant employees
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target completion

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Department has exceeded the self-selected target.
  2. 23 of the total 26 procurement and contracting personnel have completed the online green procurement training by March 31, 2012.
  3. This target has been achieved by means of an online course offered through the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) Campus Direct Course C215.
  4. All new and existing functional specialist staff were asked to take the training within a specified time frame.
  5. Data has been collected directly from functional specialists and is available from either CSPS or PCA HR.
  6. Roles and Responsibilities: Manager, Procurement and Contracting are target leads.
  7. Opportunities for continuous improvement: 100% of employees are targeted and will be pursued.
  8. Plans for engagement: Email dissemination of departmental guidance regarding green procurement training.

Employee performance evaluations for managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management.

By April 1, 2012, environmental considerations will be incorporated into the performance evaluations of all managers and functional leads of procurement and contracting.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Number of performance evaluations of managers and functional leads of procurement and contracting that incorporate environmental considerations, relative to the total number of performance evaluations of managers and functional leads. 100%
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

Why This Self Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Achievement level of 100% and type of employee
  2. Measurable: Information available from PCA HR
  3. Achievable: Procurement and contracting goals of all existing and new managers and functional leads include environmental considerations in their performance evaluations
  4. Relevant: Targets all relevant employees
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target completion

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Department has achieved the self-selected target.
  2. Methodology: Each manager and functional leads will have an objective included in his appraisal to ensure environmental considerations are taken into account in all procurement activities.
  3. Results: Each person has identified environmental considerations within their respective performance evaluations.
  4. Roles and Responsibilities: Manager, Procurement and Contracting are target leads.
  5. Plans for engagement: Inclusion in Employee Performance Management Agreements.

Management processes and controls.

By April 1, 2013, 75% of identified management processes and controls, relating to procurement and contracting will incorporate environmental considerations.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Number of departmental procurement and contracting processes and controls that incorporate environmental considerations, relative to the total number of departmental procurement and contracting processes and controls that should address environmental considerations. 75%
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

Why This Self Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Achievement level of 75% of identified processes and controls
  2. Measurable: Information available within procurement and contracting community
  3. Achievable: Dedicated employees responsible for target
  4. Relevant: Decision making authority for purchases decentralized
  5. Time–bound: Date established for target implementation

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: Department has already achieved the self-selected target.
  2. Examples include: Various procurement directives and guidance documentation, information management process, contracting controls and processes.
  3. Methodology I: Parks Canada will continue to explore the integration of environmental performance into planning, acquisition, use and disposal, which can improve the purchasing of green products, reduce the in-use costs and ensure disposal is in accordance with environmental standards. This will include the purchasing of greener products, whether more energy efficient, less harmful or containing a higher percentage of recycled material, which can make a significant impact.
  4. Methodology II: Internal policies on procurement and materiel management will be reviewed and updated to integrate environmental considerations in decision making, from the procurement through to the disposal process.
  5. Roles and responsibilities: Manager, Procurement and Contracting.
  6. Parks Canada uses, in addition to its own, processes and controls established by Public Works and Government Services Canada for a large part of its acquisitions.

Voluntary Reporting on Any Other Greening Government Operations Initiative

By March 31, 2014, carbon emissions resulting from airline business travel will be reduced by 25%.
Performance measure RPP DPR
Reduction target: Percentage of absolute reduction in carbon emissions by fiscal year 2013-14, relative to fiscal year 2008-09. 25%
Departmental carbon emissions in fiscal year 2008-09, in tonnes. 2,640
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 17%

Strategies and/or Comments

Why This Self Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Direct reduction of carbon emissions resulting from airline business travel, relative to a base year.
  2. Measurable: Information recorded annually by AMEX travel services.
  3. Achievable: Parks Canada has implemented a green meeting guide and travel directive that aims to reduce business travel.
  4. Relevant: Reduced airline business travel will result in environmental and financial benefits.
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion (see above).

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Scope: Departmental carbon emission resulting from airline business travel.
  2. Baseline year has been established as 2008-09.
  3. Estimated financial benefit (to date): $2,324,000.


1 High environmental performance is demonstrated by achieving LEED NC Silver, Green Globes Design 3 Globes, or equivalent.

2 Industry-recognized assessment tools are BOMA BESt, Green Globes, or equivalent.

3 Industry-recognized assessment tools are BOMA BESt, an appropriately tailored BOMA International Green Lease Standard, or equivalent.

4 High environmental performance is demonstrated by achieving LEED CI Silver, Green Globes Fit-Up 3 Globes, or equivalent.

Internal Audits and Evaluations (2012-13)

Internal Audits

Name of internal audit Internal audit type Status Completion date*
Revenue Management (Leases and Concessions) Financial management controls Completed February 2013
Performance Audit of the Geographic Information System (GIS) Performance audit Completed September 2012
Audit of the Twinning of the TransCanada Highway Financial management controls Completed September 2012
National Audit of Contracting and Procurement Processes Assurance/compliance In progress
National Audit of Acquisition Card Management and Expenditures Assurance/compliance Completed February 2013
Audit of the Financial Management Framework Assurance/compliance In progress

* Completion date refers to CEO approved

Link for published reports:

Internal Evaluations

Name of evaluation Program Status Completion date
Evaluation of Parks Canada's National Historic Sites Cost-Sharing Program P2 Completed December 2012
Evaluation of Parks Canada's National Parks Establishment and Expansion P1 In Progress September 2013
Evaluation of Parks Canada's National Parks Conservation P2 In Progress September 2013
Advancing Conservation Interests in the NWT* P1 In Progress September 2013
Federal Contaminated Sites* P2 In Progress October 2013

* Denotes an interdepartmental evaluation. Parks Canada contributes to joint evaluation reports. The results of these evaluations are tabled at Parks Canada's Evaluation Committee for information or approval as appropriate.

Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits

Response to parliamentary committees
  • Nil
Response to the Auditor General (including to the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development)

The Office of the Auditor General conducted an audit of Parks Canada's and Fisheries and Oceans Canada's marine protected area programs which looked at the period between April 2004 and April 2012. The results form Chapter 3 of the Fall 2012 Report of the Commissioner on Environment and Sustainable Development.

The report concludes that substantial progress has been made but that both departments have yet to fulfill their legislative mandates and that "as a consequence, Canada's marine biodiversity remains at risk."

The report includes two recommendations which affect Parks Canada. The Agency has agreed to implement both.

The report can be found at:

External audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

In September 2012, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages published the report Audit of the Delivery of Bilingual Services to Visitors by Parks Canada. The audit focussed mainly on Parks Canada's obligations under Part IV of the Official Languages Act (Communications with and services to the public in both official languages in national parks, national marine conservation areas and national historic sites). Parks Canada's responses to the nine recommendations of this audit are also included in the report. Please refer to the following link for more details:

Sources of Respendable Revenue (2012-13)

Respendable Revenue

Respendable revenue consists of certain non-tax revenues where authorities from Parliament have been received to finance directly related expenditures

Program 2010–11 Actual ($ thousands) 2011–12 Actual ($ thousands) 2012–13 ($ thousands)
Main Estimates Planned Revenue Total Authorities Actual
Visitor Experience
Entry Fees 51,417 52,936 52,500 52,500 54,819 54,819
Front Camping Fees 17,272 17,286 16,500 16,500 17,723 17,723
Back Country Camping Fees 1,579 1,583 1,615 1,615 1,582 1,582
Lockage Fees 1,754 1,553 1,490 1,490 1,559 1,559
Mooring & Docking Fees 937 902 920 920 961 961
Heritage Presentation Program 710 716 730 730 737 737
Hot Springs and Swimming Pools 3,812 3,940 3,810 3,810 4,267 4,267
Golf Fees 1,028 875 1,035 1,035 1,015 1,015
Other Recreational Fees 335 305 400 400 298 298
78,841 80,097 79,000 79,000 82,961 82,961

Townsite & Throughway Infrastructure

Municipal Service Fees

2,926 3,794 3,100 3,100 3,280 3,280
2,926 3,794 3,100 3,100 3,280 3,280
Other Revenue
Real Property Rentals and Business Fees 22,677 26,415 20,900 20,900 25,725 25,725
Miscellaneous 8,972 7,867 8,000 8,000 6,045 6,045
31,649 34,281 28,900 28,900 31,769 31,769
Total Respendable Revenue 113,416 118,172 111,000 111,000 118,011 118,011

Totals may not agree due to rounding. Respendable revenues table has been adjusted to reflect categories used in the User Fees Table.

Status Report on Projects Operating with Specific Treasury Board Approval

Project Original estimated total cost ($ millions) Revised estimated total cost ($ millions) Actual cost total ($ millions) 2012–13 ($ millions) Expected date of close-out
Main Estimates Planned spending Total authorities Actual
Heritage Resources Conservation
Banff National Park of Canada - Cave and Basin Redevelopment 8.4 8.4 7.6 5.8 5.8 6.0 5.2 2013-14
Visitor Experience
Banff National Park of Canada - Cave and Basin Redevelopment 5.5 5.5 5.2 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.5 2013-14
Townsite and Throughway Infrastructure
Riding Mountain National Park of Canada - Wasagaming Waste Water Treatment Plant 18.0 13.1 13.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2012-13
Banff National Park of Canada – Trans Canada Highway twinning (Gateway and Borders Crossing Fund) 100.0 100.0 87.9 14.6 14.6 22.7 10.6 2013-14
Banff National Park of Canada – Trans Canada Highway twinning (Budget 2009/ Canada's Economic Action Plan) 50.0 130.0 91.7 35.9 35.9 55.3 22.0 2013-14
Trent Severn Waterway - Bolsover Dam at Lock 37 18.8 34.7 1.8 1.5 1.5 33.2 0.4 2014-15

Totals may not agree due to rounding.

2012-13 User Fees Reporting

User Fees and Regulatory Charges (User Fees Act)

User Fee Fee Type Fee- setting Authority Date Last Modified 2012-13 Planning Years
Forecast Revenue ($000) Actual Revenue ($000) Estimated Full Cost ($000) Performance Standard Performance Result Fiscal Year Forecast Revenue ($000) Estimated Full Cost ($000)
Entry Fees Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Increased in 2008. New fees added in 2010. $52,500 $54,819 $133,360 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard 2013/14 $54,000 $130,808
2014/15 $56,700 $134,118
2015/16 $58,535 $136,178
Front Country Camping Fees Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Increased in 2008. New fees added in 2010. $16,500 $17,723 $20,112 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard 2013/14 $17,000 $19,727
2014/15 $17,825 $20,227
2015/16 $18,700 $20,537
Back Country Camping Fees Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Increased in 2008. New fees added in 2010. $1,615 $1,582 $6,410 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard 2013/14 $1,615 $6,287
2014/15 $1,615 $6,446
2015/16 $1,615 $6,545
Lockage Fees Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Increased in 2008. $1,490 $1,559 $19,491 85% of visitors are satisfied For the 2012 cycle, no locations with this service were surveyed. 2013/14 $1,490 $19,118
2014/15 $1,490 $19,602
2015/16 $1,490 $19,903
Municipal Services Other products and services Canada National Parks Act Water and sewer fees increased in 2001; remainder in 2003. Garbage fees increased in 1996. $3,100 $3,280 $7,506 For water, the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (2010 & 2012) is the current standard. For wastewater, PCA will meet federal guidelines (1976) for effluent quality and in Field BC and Lake Louise AB will meet PCA's Leadership Targets that are based on the receiving waters of each community. Garbage collection frequencies will be established in consultation with Community Councils and Business Community. Water quality Guidelines are met or exceeded; wastewater effluent quality Guidelines are met or exceeded. 2013/14 $3,100 $7,631
2014/15 $3,100 $7,221
2015/16 $3,100 $7,222
Other Revenues Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Business licences increased in 1994. Other fees increased in 2008. New fees added in 2010. $3,760 $3,686 $21,642 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard* 2013/14 $3,760 $21,230
2014/15 $3,760 $21,754
2015/16 $3,760 $22,086
Total $78,965 $79,512 $182,645 2013/14 $80,965 $204,801
2014/15 $84,490 $209,368
2015/16 $87,200 $212,471


* The performance results are only for fees that were increased in 2008 and/or 2010 and excludes business licences, which were last increased in 1994, before the existence of the UFA.

Fees have been adjusted to reflect reporting instructions provided by TBS related to fees under the ambit of the User Fees Act (UFA) as well as those not under ambit of UFA. Mooring, golf, heritage presentation programs and pools are in the External Fees Table, following legal clarification that those fees are not subject to the UFA.

Forecasted revenue numbers have been adjusted to reflect reporting instructions provided by TBS related to fees under the ambit of the User Fees Act (UFA) as well as those not under the ambit of the UFA.

Parks Canada has been using visitor satisfaction at surveyed sites as a measure of performance since 1996. The 85% performance standard has been well established and communicated through the Agency's corporate planning and reporting documents since 2005. In 1998, Parks Canada also introduced a Quality Service Guarantee that applies to all visitor services for which fees are paid. This initiative ensures that visitors have an immediate recourse if they are not satisfied with the quality of service provided or do not believe that they received value for fees. Through the Guarantee, the concern is immediately addressed up to and including a refund of a portion or entire fee paid. This achieves the spirit of accountability for performance as comtemplated by the User Fees Act, and exceeds the Act's requirements by refunding the user fee immediately to a disatisfied client.

Parks Canada is aligning its satisfaction survey cycle to ensure that performance results will be included for each type of user fee reported each year. This will be fully implemented for the 2015-16 fiscal year.

External Fees (Policy on Service Standards for External Fees)

External Fee Service Standard Performance result Stakeholder Consultation
Entry Fees 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.
Front Country Camping Fees 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.
Back Country Camping Fees 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.
Lockage Fees 85% of visitors are satisfied For 2012 no locations with this service were surveyed. Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.
Municipal Services For water, the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (2010 & 2012) is the current standard. For wastewater, PCA will meet Federal Guidelines (1976) for effluent quality and in Field, BC and Lake Louise, AB will meet PCA's Leadership Targets that are based on the receiving waters of each community. Garbage collection frequencies will be established in consultation with Community Councils and Business Community. Water quality Guidelines are met or exceeded; wastewater effluent quality Guidelines are met or exceeded. Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (2010 & 2012). Federal guidelines for wastewater effluent were established in 1976 and Parks Canada leadership targets established in 1997. The leadership targets are used as the basis for consultation with communities. Garbage collection standards have evolved over time in response to individual community needs and specific frequency of pickups is set in consultation with users.
Other Revenues 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.
Mooring Fees 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.
Heritage Presentation Special Program Fees 85% of visitors are satisfied 100% of sampled locations exceed the standard Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.
Pool Fees (Swimming Pools and Hot Springs) 85% of visitors are satisfied For the 2012 cycle, no locations with this service were surveyed. Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.
Golf Fees 85% of visitors are satisfied For the 2012 cycle, no locations with this service were surveyed. Service standard description was included in the 2013 fee consultation information. There were no comments from the public related to the service standard.


Fees have been adjusted to reflect reporting instructions provided by TBS related to fees under the ambit of the User Fees Act (UFA) as well as those not under ambit of UFA.

Parks Canada has been using visitor satisfaction at surveyed sites as a measure of performance since 1996. The 85% performance standard has been well established and communicated through the Agency's corporate planning and reporting documents since 2005. In 1998, Parks Canada also introduced a Quality Service Guarantee that applies to all visitor services for which fees are paid. This initiative ensures that visitors have an immediate recourse if they are not satisfied with the quality of service provided or do not believe that they received value for fees. Through the Guarantee, the concern is immediately addressed up to and including a refund of a portion or entire fee paid. This achieves the spirit of accountability for performance as contemplated by the User Fees Act, and exceeds the Act's requirements by refunding the user fee immediately to a dissatisfied client.

Parks Canada is aligning its satisfaction survey cycle to ensure that performance results will be included for each type of user fee each year. This will be fully implemented for the 2015-16 fiscal year.

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