Privacy impact assessment summary for the Parks Canada learn-to camp program

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Description of the program

Parks Canada has been offering a Learn-to Camp program since 2011. The program helps participants overcome barriers to enjoying the outdoors and visiting Parks Canada's administered sites. The program is an opportunity for new campers to connect with nature and to learn basic camping skills (e.g. setting up a tent, building a campfire, using a camp stove) as well as important safety concepts. The program promotes health and wellness, and introduces Canadians to a lifestyle that integrates outdoor activities. It is delivered through overnight camping experiences, daytime activities and mobile outreach teams.

Overview and need for a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

This PIA focuses on Learn-to Camp program registrations, analyzes privacy risks/issues associated with the program, and provides mitigation or resolution strategies. Since only basic personal information such as name, postal code and contact information is collected, there is the potential for inconvenience to the individual in the event of a privacy breach or incident, but the impact on the individual is assessed as low. In some cases, and on a voluntary basis, participants with special needs may choose to share sensitive information such as physical or mental health information and medical data such as food allergies. In this case, the risk of impact on the individual in the event of a privacy breach could be considered higher. Clear instructions have been provided to employees to ensure that personal information is protected. In addition, several administrative safeguards (e.g. internal security and confidentiality policies and procedures, staff training on privacy and protection of personal information, methods to ensure that only authorized staff with a need to know have access to personal information, etc.), physical safeguards (e.g. restricted area, identification badges are worn by staff at all times, secure server locations) and technical safeguards are in place.

Summary of analysis and recommendations

Overall, Parks Canada is in compliance with the Privacy Act and the Treasury Board of Canada Policy on Privacy Protection.

Individuals are always informed of the purposes for the collection of their personal information at the time of collection in the privacy statement, and in the new personal information bank created specifically for the Learn-to Camp program.

Additional information

The Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) has identified low risks, and Parks Canada will continue to update and develop new policies, procedures and protocols on an ongoing basis and as required.

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