Indigenous language translations of the Parks Canada Charter

Parks Canada administers over 90 per cent of federally-owned lands, nearly all of which have been traditionally used by Indigenous peoples. Working with Indigenous communities across Canada, Parks Canada and Indigenous peoples are partners in conserving Canada’s natural and cultural heritage and sharing the stories of these treasured places. The Parks Canada Charter defines the Agency’s mandate, commitments and purpose. This purpose is shared with the Indigenous communities we work with as partners from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

As Indigenous languages hold the keys to irreplaceable culture, knowledgeable worldviews and intimate understandings about the environment, intergenerational knowledge, and the history of the landscape we know as Canada, Parks Canada is committed recognizing and supporting the use of Indigenous languages as part of our shared work. Conveying the Parks Canada Charter in Indigenous languages is one of many ways that we promote collaboration and support each other in the conservation and sharing of heritage places across Canada.

Listen to the Parks Canada Charter

The Parks Canada Charter has also been recorded in 22 Indigenous languages.




Central Cree

Dëne sułine’



Innu: Aimun

Inuktitut: Foxe Basin

Inuvialktun: Siglitun




Nuu-chah-nulth: Central


Okanagan: Syilx

Shuswap: Secwenpenc

Southern Tutchone

Swampy Cree


Woodland Cree

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