New video by local talent

Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area

Daniela at work Daniela at work
© Parks Canada

By Greg Stroud

Daniela Carlino is passionate about life along the north shore of Lake Superior. Last summer she worked as a student for the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area in the Schreiber Tourist Information Centre, and she helped at many special community events. But her true passion is producing videos that capture life along the north shore.

I first met Daniela on a field trip to Rossport with Rob Stewart’s high school environmental education class from Terrace Bay. She volunteered her time to film the outing aboard Paul Turpin’s tour boat. The video she produced about the trip was extremely well done and showcased what she had learned from her two-year program at Confederation College.

Fortunately for Parks Canada she successfully applied and competed for a summer student placement last spring. Taking advantage of her skills, we asked Daniela to film a variety of visitor activities throughout the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area to provide Parks Canada with much needed stock footage for future video productions.

Over the winter, we were planning to upgrade our promotional video, which is shown at all the tourist centres along the north shore. Daniela is now studying business at Lakehead University, but she was a perfect fit to help us with this production. So, we hired her back on a part-time basis working two days per week while continuing her studies at the university. Over the winter months she created a wonderful new video for the tourist information centres using the summer footage and new winter footage she had filmed, as well as, new Parks Canada images taken last year.

The Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area video will be shown in various tourist centres along the north shore this summer and we would like to thank Daniela for all her efforts this winter while juggling her school work with her part-time job. We look forward to having her join us again this summer as a Parks Canada student.

Once the video is ready, we will share a link to it on our Facebook page.

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