Citizen science

Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area

Protecting the natural populations of Lake Superior is one of Lake Superior NMCA’s most important goals. With over thousands of square kilometers of water, islands and shoreline, we need your help to keep track of all the plants and animals that live here!

While you’re out enjoying Superior’s beautiful landscape, you can contribute to Parks Canada’s important conservation work by snapping photos of species around you and uploading them to the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area project on iNaturalist. All you need is a phone with a camera, and some time to spend out in nature! The iNaturalist app builds a community of naturalists where local experts can identify what kind of shorebird you saw scuttling along the sand or the tiny purple bell-shaped flowers in the rocks. Big or small, your nature observations contribute to our knowledge of biodiversity and help build strategies to protect species at risk. It’s nature at your fingertips! Work with experts, other park visitors or on your own.

Submit your observations and see what cool sightings have already been made in the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area project. 

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