Early Science in Canada’s North and the Hudson’s Bay Company National Historic Event (1768-ca. 1810)

Early science in Canada’s North and the Hudson’s Bay Company (1768-ca. 1810) was designated as a national historic event in 2018.

Historical importance: early scientific observations and experiments in the fields of astronomy, meteorology, cartography, and natural history.

Commemorative plaque: Parks Canada Visitor Centre, 1 Mantayo Seepee Meskanow, Churchill, ManitobaFootnote 1

Early Science in Canada’s North and the Hudson’s Bay Company

In 1768, the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) arranged for two British astronomers to travel to Prince of Wales Fort to observe the transit of the planet Venus in 1769 and make calculations of astronomical distances. This work heralded over forty years of HBC cooperation with the Royal Society of London and others in the Canadian North. Indigenous collaborators shared their substantial knowledge of the land, plants, and animals throughout the enterprise. The Company played a foundational role in sponsoring scientific knowledge of the North, furthering the fields of astronomy, meteorology, cartography, and natural history.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
English plaque inscription
Black and white photo of a large stone made item
Sundial used by William Wales, 1769
© Parks Canada / provided by T.C. Felton circa 1958


View of landscape including land, water and a fort
Aerial view of Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site, situated at the mouth of the Churchill River and the coast of Hudson's Bay, Manitoba, 1973
© Parks Canada

Early Science in Canada’s North and the Hudson’s Bay Company (1768 – ca. 1810)

Landscade with rocks and land
Landscape at Prince of Wales Tower National Historic Site, Manitoba, 2015
© Parks Canada / Jeff Bolingbroke

In 1768, the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) began its collaboration with the Royal Society of London, a British learned society for science, to facilitate the observation of the Transit of Venus at Prince of Wales Fort in 1769. From this point until ca. 1810, the HBC played a key role in sponsoring scientific endeavours at its trading posts in what is now northern Canada, especially in the fields of astronomy, meteorology, cartography, and natural history. Much of the cartographic and natural history data compiled by the HBC's European employees drew from Indigenous collaborators’ substantial knowledge of the natural history of their territory and of the interdependence of plants and animals. Scientific data compiled through the HBC fur trading posts in northern Canada was actively transmitted to the Royal Society and other scientific institutions, and was incorporated into the growing body of scientific knowledge about the earth’s Arctic and subarctic regions.

Commemorative plaque with golden text
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada commemorative plaque for Early Science in Canada’s North and the Hudson’s Bay Company National Historic Event (1768-ca. 1810), located in Churchill, Manitoba

Early Western scientific research in what later became Canada’s north began in 1768, when the Royal Society sent astronomers William Wales and Joseph Dymond to the HBC's Prince of Wales Fort in what is now Churchill, Manitoba, for the following year’s observation of the Transit of Venus. Their observations were used to calculate the distance from the earth to the sun within 1% of the current accepted value. This marked a significant milestone in the history of astronomy and in the history of Western scientific endeavour.

Meteorological records collected from the 1770s onward at northern posts constitute the most consistent and extensive weather record in the world. The HBC posts around Hudson Bay were among the chief suppliers of North American natural history specimens to England, the study of which contributed to advancements in understanding animal behaviour and physiology, and to the identification of new species. Furthermore, HBC traders and surveyors produced accurate maps and charts, incorporating Indigenous geographic knowledge, which were then shared with leading European cartographers of the day.

Although much of the credit for scientific achievements went to Royal Society scientists, Indigenous Peoples were vital to many of these scientific endeavours. Indigenous traders at the posts were major contributors of knowledge of natural history and geography, and brought to the posts specimens and information specifically intended for the collectors. The HBC's patronage of northern science waned around 1810 due to a focus on inland expansion. However, the legacy of this work in northern science continues today in the development and orientation of natural scientific institutions, in ongoing northern research, and in international scientific cooperation in the northern circumpolar region.

This press backgrounder was prepared at the time of the plaque unveiling in 2024.

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