
The following Parks Canada staff were involved in the projects outlined in this publication. They also contributed to writing and editing the articles.

  • The return of the cougar! — Renee Wissink
  • Elk and the town of Banff – finding the balance — Cliff White
  • Taking the lead against greenhouse gases in national parks — Cam McKillop and Greg Shaw
  • Restoring the integrity of aquatic ecosystems in Mountain National Parks — Nancy Glozier, Robert Crosley, Larry Mottle and David Donald
  • Piping plovers are making a comeback in Kejimkujik's Seaside Adjunct — Chris McCarthy
  • Restoring Saskatchewan's mixed prairie grasslands — Adrian Sturch
  • Restoration initiative blends with recreational use at high-profile national park facility — Jane Watts and Barb Porter
  • Bringing back Kootenay's original dry grasslands and open forests — Rick Kubian and Alan Dibb
  • Restoring Laurentian Aquatic Ecosystems — Albert Van Dijk
  • Battling invasive species in Garry oak ecosystems — Brian Reader
  • Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site of Canada restores ecological connections — Sylvain Paradis
  • Granddaddy of restorations maintains remnant of Carolinian Zone — Dan Reive
  • New learning centre to draw visitors into Fundy's ecoscape — Michael Murray and Thierry Bouin
  • First-ever comprehensive inventory of Inuvialuit traditional plant knowledge in the Western Arctic — Ed Mclean
  • Community stewardship reverses steady decline of salmon stock in Terra Nova National Park of Canada — David Coté and Andrea Coté
  • Ensuring badgers remain vital part of East Kootenays is aim of international, public-private sector partnership — Nancy Newhouse and Alan Dibb
  • Local residents, Aboriginal communities and fishers work together to restore Soft-shelled clams in Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada — Eric Tremblay
  • Wood turtle recovery in La Mauricie National Park of Canada — Jacques Pleau and Denis Masse
  • Jasper National Park of Canada is burning for conservation — Kevin Van Tighem
  • National Parks hold the line between Mountain pine beetle epidemic in British Columbia and Alberta's commercial forests — Dave Dalman and Jane Park
  • Achieving bovine TB-free status in domestic cattle and park wildlife — Todd Shury
  • Parks Canada joins a partnership to heal Canada’stemperate rainforest — Bob Hansen

Coordination and editing: Johanne Ranger, Stephen Woodley and John Waithaka

Texts written by: Judy Redpath

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