Visitor guidelines

Halifax Citadel National Historic Site

Our protected areas are unique places and require unique rules to protect them.

Breaking the law in a National Park or National Historic Site can result in consequences including evictions or tickets, or in more serious cases, court appearances and/or large fines.

Canada National Parks Act (S.C. 2000, c. 32)

The Canada National Parks Act and its regulations.


You cannot take-off or land an aircraft in a national park without a Restricted Activity Permit from Parks Canada, with some exceptions as listed in the National Parks of Canada Aircraft Access Regulations. All aircraft must comply with the Canadian Aviation Regulations and National Parks of Canada Aircraft Access Regulations.

Area closures and restrictions

Area closures and restrictions are sometimes needed to protect natural or cultural resources or for visitor safety reasons. Closures are enforceable by law. Closure notices will be posted at the information centre.

Cannabis, smoking and vaping

Halifax Citadel National Historic Site is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its visitors and employees. Smoking is restricted to two designated smoking areas. The rest of the site, including Citadel Hill (Glacis), is smoke-free.

Smoking restrictions apply to tobacco, cannabis (including medical cannabis), herbal products, vaping, and e-cigarettes.

This policy applies to everyone on site, including visitors, employees, partners, volunteers, and contractors, and is in effect year-round.

Map of designated smoking areas (PDF, 2.67 MB).

Smoking Areas

The site has two designated smoking areas (see map), with signs and ashtrays:

  1. The rear parking lot, to the south of Sally Port 3.
  2. The sidewalk opposite and to the right of the main entrance, outside the fort.

Smoking is prohibited in and around buildings, doorways, windows, and vents. It is restricted to the two designated smoking areas.

Exemptions to this policy can be made for special events and Indigenous ceremonies.

Enforcement and Mutual Respect

All visitors and employees are expected to respect this policy and to help make the Citadel a healthy and clean environment. Smokers must stay within the two designated smoking areas and ensure that cigarette butts and other waste are deposited in the ashtrays provided.

Commercial film and photography permits

Commercial filming activities have special considerations. All commercial activity is subject to business licencing and permits.

Contact us for details on whether your activity requires a permit.


All Parks Canada places are ‘no drone zones’ for recreational use. If you do not possess a permit or special permission to fly your drone in a Parks Canada place, please leave your drone at home. Learn more about our drone usage rules.


Use of, selling, or purchasing fireworks, or any other type of explosive, is not permitted within a National Historic Site.

Garbage and litter

Never litter.

Please Leave No Trace of your visit.

Metal detectors

It is prohibited to use a metal detector within Halifax Citadel National Historic Site.


Please park only in designated areas and areas where you do not pose a risk to others. If a parking lot is full, find the next closest lot and walk to your destination.

Pets and service animals

Service animals

Service animals are welcome, in the company of their handlers. Please keep service animals on a leash or harness during your visit.


At all times, pets must be kept on a leash or in suitable confinement.

Pets are permitted in indoor spaces and exhibits.

Pets are not permitted in food service areas.

Remember to clean up after your pet.

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