Is it nationally significant?

Sault Ste. Marie Canal National Historic Site

By Svenja Hansen

Parks Canada recently unveiled a plaque to commemorate Thunder Bay’s Finnish Labour Temple as a site of national historic significance. Across Canada more than 2000 people, places, and events have been deemed important enough to our national identity and development to have received such designations. 95 percent of these designations were initiated by nominations from the public … people like you and me. 

If you are interested in submitting a nomination, the process, criteria, and guidelines for applying for designation are available on Parks Canada’s website.

Official delegates at the unveiling of the Finnish Labour Temple National Historic Site plaque © Parks Canada

Here is a listing of the people, places, and events that have already been recognized across Northern Ontario:

Algoma Central Engine House Site* Sault Ste. Marie
Algonquin Provincial Park Event Algonquin Provincial Park
Canadian Car & Foundry Site Thunder Bay
Clarence Decatur Howe Person Thunder Bay
Cobalt Mining District Site Cobalt
Cummins Pre-Contact Site Site* Thunder Bay
Detention of Second World War Military Prisoners of War and of Enemy Aliens Sent to Canada from Great Britain  Event Neys Provincial Park
Elizabeth Muriel Gregory “Elsie” MacGill


Thunder Bay  
Ermatinger House Site Sault Ste. Marie  
Finnish Labour Temple  Site Thunder Bay
First Sault Ste. Marie Canal Site  Sault Ste. Marie
Fort St. Joseph Site** St. Joseph Island
Fort St. Pierre Site Fort Frances
Fort William Event  Thunder Bay
Fort William Site Thunder Bay
Francis Hector Clergue Person Sault Ste. Marie
Indian Treaty No. 3 Event* Kenora
Kaministikwia and Pigeon River Routes Event Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park
Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Site Stratton
Luke Foxe Person* Cape Henrietta Maria 
Mattawa Route Event Mattawa 
Mining in Canada – Gold Event South Porcupine 
Mining in Canada - Nickel Event Sudbury 
Mining in Canada – Silver Event Cobalt 
Moose Factory Buildings Site* Moose Factory 
Nicolas Perrot Person Sault Ste. Marie
Nipigon River Forts Event* Nipigon 
Passenger and Packet Freighters on the Upper Great Lakes Event Sault Ste. Marie 
Philip Turnor Person Moose Factory 
Pic River Site Site* Heron Bay 
Port Arthur Event Thunder Bay 
Pierre-Esprit Radisson Person French River Provincial Park 
Sault Ste. Marie Canal Site** Sault Ste. Marie 
Sheguiandah Site* Manitoulin Island
Terrance Stanley “Terry” Fox Person Thunder Bay 
Thunder Bay Tourist Pagoda Site* Thunder Bay 
Tom Thomson Person Algonquin Provincial Park 
Welch Company Event Thunder Bay 
Whitefish Island Site* Sault Ste. Marie 

* commemoration with a plaque pending
** site managed by Parks Canada

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