Questions and Answers

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

When will the Port Severn Fixed Bridge/Port Severn Road be open for traffic?

The Port Severn Fixed Bridge has reopened to vehicle traffic. The bridge was closed to complete a full demolition and reconstruction of the main dam, fixed bridge, piers, and abutments.

Parks Canada will now begin partially mechanizing the Main Dam. This work includes the installation of four fully mechanized vertical steel gates in sluices 1 through 4, adjacent to the lock which will further enhance water management capabilities. Short intermittent closures are expected to accommodate the delivery of mechanization materials. The pedestrian crossing will remain closed for the duration of the mechanization project for the safety of the public and the workers.

Will the bridge remain open during the mechanization work?

Yes, the bridge will remain open to vehicle traffic however, short intermittent closures are expected to accommodate the delivery of mechanization materials. The pedestrian crossing will remain closed for the duration of the mechanization project for the safety of the public and the workers.

Is the mechanization of the Main Dam a new project?The mechanization of the Main Dam was originally part of the contract for the Main Dam and Fixed Bridge work. It was removed and retendered separately for a variety of reasons including the ability to obtain more competitive pricing resulting in better value for public funds. The mechanization is part of major infrastructure improvements to the Main Dam and Port Severn Fixed Bridge that will ensure these assets are safe and reliable, for decades to come, as integral parts of the water management structure and connectivity for this community.

Will the bridge remain open during the mechanization work?Will Parks Canada be mechanizing the rest of the dam?

Parks Canada will only be mechanizing four gates in sluices 1 through 4. The partial mechanization is the most effective option to enhance water management capabilities.

Why couldn't the mechanization be done at the same time as the Main Dam and Fixed Bridge construction?

The Main Dam and Fixed Bridge project and the mechanization project are two separate projects with two separate contractors. The mechanization could not be completed at the same time because the contractors for the Main Dam and Fixed Bridge project must complete their work before the contractors for the mechanization can begin for safety reasons.

What will Parks Canada do to reduce impacts to the community?

Parks Canada recognizes this continued closure of Port Severn Road has a direct impact on members of the community, visitors and business owners. We thank you for your patience and understanding. However, it is important to note that this essential work will reduce future unscheduled closures related to challenges with aging structures; in other words, doing this work now and taking the time to do it right, will greatly minimize unexpected closures.

Parks Canada maintains oversight on all projects and has worked closely with our colleagues at Public Service and Procurement Canada to reduce negative impacts to construction as much as possible. Parks Canada and PSPC are investigating options and implementing contractual tools that are available to the Government of Canada to expedite the work, minimize traffic disruptions and bring the project to its completion. The public’s patience is appreciated during this last portion of the project.

Will businesses be compensated for any losses during this work?

Parks Canada worked with community stakeholders and local business to communicate the complexity of project, including the anticipated impacts and timing. Parks Canada operates and maintains infrastructure that’s designed to serve the public, and does not offer compensation when these structures require maintenance, rehabilitation or replacement.

Where can I find more information or sign up for updates?

To find up-to-date news about this or other infrastructure projects in your area, please visit To sign up for email updates about the projects in Port Severn, please contact us at and include “Port Severn” in the subject heading.

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