Conservation Project

Province House National Historic Site

The story of Province House's construction is significant: the details of the building's fabric, structure and components. This is a story that must be fully understood as we move forward with our conservation efforts, to ensure we are effectively protecting the building and conserving its character-defining features for generations to come. 

Province House National Historic Site is more than 175 years old and the Government of Canada is proudly investing in the conservation of this heritage building. Improvements to this historic site will enable Parks Canada to continue sharing the rich and varied heritage of our nation and provide an opportunity for Canadians to learn more about our diverse history. 

Conservation project video series

Conservation project video series- Mini-series detailing some of the more technical aspects of this historic conservation project.

Timeline and FAQs

Province House National Historic Site conservation project timeline and frequently asked questions.

Stone by Stone: Conservation Project Information

Newsletter showcasing the stories of Province House and the efforts being made to save this heritage building.

360-degree tour

Enjoy a 360-degree tour of the interior of Province House during this conservation project, and compare it to the site’s previous state before the project began.

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