Wright house

Battle of the Châteauguay National Historic Site

When an officer was passing through a parish, the presbytery, an inn, or a personal acquaintance might put him up. In the winter, the officer rented a house at his own expense, usually where he was stationed. He would live there with members of his family.

Officers from the seigniorial or professional classes generally had more refined tastes than their soldiers. Major-General Louis de Watteville, for example, drank a lot of wine and had guests for supper at 4 p.m., in keeping with the latest Parisian fashion.

It is said that during the high alert period, in the fall of 1813, the accommodation standards for officers were not observed. The officers lived in houses that were smaller and less welcoming, close to their soldiers or in tents with their men.

Today, the family name “Wright” is well known in the area in which this house is located. It seems that some buildings in the area date back to the time of the Battle of the Châteauguay.

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