1837 - 1841

Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site


Last Name, First Name
Armstrong, Alice
Barrett, John
Barrett, Patrick
Betting, Ann
Bohan, Daniel
Bohan, Darby
Bolan, Catherine
Bryan, Margaret
Byrne, Margaret
Cahill, John
Cahill, John
Caldwell, James
Caldwell, John
Cameron, Jane
Carroll, Patrick
Coffey, Edmond
Collins, Catherine
Conners, Bridget
Dalton, Bridget
Daly, Peter
Dean, John
Dean, Joseph
Denny, Maria
Donovan, Margaret
Donovan, William
Doolan, James
Duffy, John
Edwards, E.
Edwards, Margaret
Edwards, Mary
Egan, Bridget
Farley, James
Farley, Patrick
Farrell, Lawrence
Fellenus, John
Flanigan, Michael
Folbnur, John
Fox, Michael
Gallagher, Dennis
Golden, James
Golden, Thomas
Good, Catherine
Good, Catherine
Gorrlock, John
Hale, Edward
Hampshire, Lucy
Harrington, Ellen
Kennedy, Margaret
Kennedy, Mary
Kerney, Honora
Kone, Catherine
Landergan, Thomas
Mahon, Mary
McCann, Sarah
McCarthy, Mary
McCarthy, Mary
McGarl, Mary
McGovern, Elizabeth
McHud, Maria
Mitchell, Catherine
Murphy, Andrew
Murphy, John
Murphy, Thomas
Nichol, Helen
Nichol, John
Norman, Elisabeth
Orr, Catherine
Phillips, Robert
Pollock, William
Quinlan, Ellen
Reid, Mary Ann
Reid, Samuel
Reilly, John
Roberts, Charles Grattan
Salmon, Bridget
Scott, Josiah
Shea, Mary
Smith, Ellen
Sproule, Timothy
Sullivan, Cornelius
Walsh, Ellen
Walsh, Nelly
Watkins, Mary


Last Name, First Name
Catt, Henry Samuel
Collins, Daniel
Jackson, George
Morisson, John
Watson, Robert


Last Name, First Name
Birds, Margaret
Carson, Eliza
Jones, Richard
McDuff, Helen
McMahon, William
Owen, Richard
Parby, Henry
Patton, Mary
Wallace, William
Willis, John


Last Name, First Name
Barker, Anna
Bell, Eliza
Carroll, John
Carroll, Patrick
Cline, James
Clohosey, Edmund
Collins, John
Corbette, Margaret
Cornell, Robert
Coughlin, Timothy
Cunnan, Margaret
Donovan, Timothy
Duffy, Peter
Elliott, Thomas John
Flood, Helene
Heslop, Joseph
Kaily, Patrick
Keegan, John
Kelch, James
Kenny, Charles
Linehan, Cornelius
Linehen, John
Maher, James
Maxwell, Susan
McCaffrey, Patrick
McCally, David
McCardel, Nelly
McCarthy, Bridget
McConnoway, Mary
McEwen, Margaret
McFerney, David
McMahon, Francis
McSloy, James
Meaghen, Patrick
Monaghan, William
Mulholley, Thomas
Pallagher, John
Powell, Mary
Prowl, James
Scarlet, John
Shaw, John
Slattery, Ann
Spelman, John
Walsh, Mary
Williamson, James
Wolff (Williams), Sarah


Last Name, First Name
Armstrong, Martha
Beevers, Sarah
Beloher, Robert
Boyle, Ann Jane
Conners, Patrick
Cryan, Dominick
Culbene, Mary
Culbene, Thomas
Dolan, Margaret
Ewens, John
Haggin, Ann
Holland, Torrence
Howard, Timothy
Johnston, Sarah
Kilroy, John
Lennon, Ann
Malloy, Mary
McCarney, Margaret
McConfil, Sarah
McConfill, Sara
McDoon, John
McFarlane, Ann
McKanney, Patrick
McKenna, Patrick
McMullen, Elizabeth
Moore, Maurice
Muccleduff, Mary
Powell, John
Rice, John
Rogers, Jane
Rolleston, Jane
Sanderson, Samuel
Taylor, John
Welch, Mary
Wilson, Jane
Wright, Jane
Young, George



Last Name, First Name
Christie, Robert



Last Name, First Name
Alsop, John
Brown, John
Lloyd, Benjamin


Last Name, First Name
Martin, John
Thompson, Alexander

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