Tours and programs

Manoir Papineau National Historic Site

Participate in special programs and guided tours including walking tours, self-guided tours, as well as family and group programs that will allow you to discover more about the Papineau family and the Petite-Nation seigneury.

Ladies visit the yellow living room at the Manoir Papineau National Historic Site with a Parks Canada employee.
Guided tour of the yellow living room at the Manoir Papineau National Historic Site.

Guided tours of the Manor

This guided tour of the Manoir Papineau’s main floor will teach you about the day-to-day life of Louis-Joseph Papineau’s family. Get an intimate view of this elite French-Canadian family as you wander through the bedroom of Louis-Joseph Papineau and relive the festive atmosphere of receptions in the dining room and drawing room.

Authentic period décor, a touch of history and a few anecdotes will divulge the secrets of this manor house and its occupants.

Length: 45 minutes. Tour schedule is posted on site.

Visits are both offered in English and French. Many starts per day.

You may also take the tour on your own.


Visit of the outbuildings

Several buildings still bear witness today to the nobility of the seigneurial domain of a past era.

The Granary

Le hangar à grains est situé dans les bois à proximité du manoir Papineau.
The granary is located in the woods near the Papineau manor.

Originally, as its name indicates, this building was used to store the grain that the residents of the seigneury of La Petite-Nation paid as a tax.

An exhibition presents how a seigneurie worked. You will also learn more about the functions of the other buildings on the domain.

The family museum

Located near the manor house, the family museum has been used for many purposes since its construction in 1880. It first housed a collection of portraits and travel memorabilia of the Papineau family before becoming a gymnasium and, around 1935, an Anglican chapel.


A young boy holds the Xplorer notebook in his hands while exploring the Manoir Papineau National Historic Site.

Xplorers program

The Xplorers program young people aged 6 to 11 and their families fun and rewarding activities to complete on site. Get ready to make some great discoveries and ask the workbook at the reception desk to learn more about the Manoir Papineau National Historic Site. It's free!

Click here for more information on the Xplorers program.


Suggested tour

Check out the map to help you get around the site.

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