The Historical Context

Battle of the Restigouche National Historic Site

In 1755, France and Great Britain readied for a bloody war that was to last seven years. New France was destined to be one of the theaters of this conflict.

France was a continental power at that time. Its strength lay primarily in its army based in Europe.

Great Britain, on the other hand, was a maritime power. The mobility of its fleet enabled the country to pick its battles practically at will. As a result, Great Britain attempted to turn the weakness of the French navy to its advantage, and therefore planned to attack the French colonies in North America.

EIn North America, the rivalry between France and Great Britain would crystallize around three fronts: the Atlantic seaboard, the Lake Champlain region, and the Ohio River valley. A long series of battles was about to begin.

The Deportation of the Acadians

After the fall of Fort Beauséjour, on June 17, 1755, French-held Acadia fell to the pressure of the British. In that year alone, between 6000 and 7000 Acadians were deported to various destinations. The others were pursued throughout the country.

1758 : The Capture of Louisbourg

On July 26, 1758, Louisbourg, capitulated following a siege of seven weeks. However, the season was too far advanced to permit the British to accomplish a similar victory at Québec.

1759: The Resistance Collapses

In 1759, under the relentless pressure of the British troops, New France began to come apart. The strongholds at Niagara, Carillon and Saint-Frédéric fell one after another. In the meantime, France started to concentrate its resources for the defence of Québec City, the ultimate objective of this campaign.

September 18, 1759 : The Fall of Québec

On June 23, 1759, a British fleet of close to 150 vessels carrying 39,000 soldiers and sailors cast anchor close to Québec.

A three-month siege then ensued, which featured numerous skirmishes and continual bombardments. In what they hoped would be a decisive battle, the British engaged the French in combat on the Plains of Abraham in the early hours of September 13, 1759.

Despite the surrender of Québec on September 18, 1759, the British were not yet masters of the entire country. Far from having been annihilated, the French army regrouped to the west of Québec, and blocked movements by the British throughout the entire winter.

April 28, 1760: The Battle of Sainte-Foy

On April 28, 1760, the French troops were victorious at Sainte-Foy, forcing the British to take refuge behind the walls of Québec.

The two armies were at a stand-off. As well, both forces were exhausted and could only hope for reinforcements in order to turn the tide.

All eyes were turned eastward, toward the sea.


The small relief fleet sets sail toward New France.

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