
Louis S. St. Laurent National Historic Site

The Mackenzie King Cabinet War Committee, 1943 The Mackenzie King Cabinet War Committee. Standing, from Left to Right:
Angus MacDonald - Minister of National Defence (Navy); J. E. Michaud - Minister of Transport; C. D. Howe - Minister of Munitions and Supply; Louis S. St-Laurent - Minister of Justice and Solicitor General of Canada.
Seated, from Left to Right:
Major C. G. Power - Minister of National Defence (Air Force); T. A. Crerar - Minister of Mines and Resources; The Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King - Prime Minister, President of the Privy Council and Secretary of State for External Affairs; Colonel J. L. Ralston - Minister of National Defence; J. L. Isley - Minister of Finance

© Parks Canada / Lafferty Coll, 1943


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