Safety and guidelines

Batoche National Historic Site

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Visitor guidelines

Our protected areas are unique places and require unique rules to protect them.

We rarely head out for an outdoor adventure with the expectation that something will go wrong, and most times everything will go right. However, sometimes the unexpected happens and when it does, it’s important that you are well informed and well prepared to minimise the negative impact of unfortunate circumstances.

For general information on how to stay safe when enjoying the outdoors visit

For important information about staying safe while enjoying Batoche National Historic Site, please explore the topics below:


Black Bears

On occasion black bears do wander onto the grounds at Batoche National Historic Site. Black bears are wild animals and we must respect their space. Also stop by our Visitor Centre for updates on bear sightings in the area.

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There are ticks, mosquitoes, black flies, wasps, bees and other small insects found on site.


Ticks are found in tall grassy areas or wooded areas and drop from leaves or blades of grass onto animals and humans. They are tiny, brownish/red in color and looks like a little beetle. They bite through the skin and attach themselves. Infection from ticks may be harmful.


  • Wear long sleeve shirts and pants. If wearing shorts and short-sleeve shirts check for ticks periodically.
  • Some insect repellents are labelled to repel ticks, however, it is not known how effective this is.
  • Keep out of tall grass and be aware when walking the trails.
  • Don't forget to check your pets. Ticks don't always attach themselves right away and could very easily jump from your pet to you or other members of your group.

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Bring sunscreen, sun glasses, hats and water bottles. The rays from the sun especially between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. can be very damaging to your health and skin. Wearing sun-screen, staying in the shade as much as possible, wearing hats and drinking lots of water will help in preventing adverse effects from the sun. For information and weather details visit


Visitors should be aware that the site covers an extremely large area. The landscape is rolling parkland and contains numerous depressions, brush filled areas and natural hazards such as gopher holes which are not always obvious to the eye because of the long grass. For these reasons, it is suggested that suitable head covering and footwear be worn to protect against discomfort from weather conditions and the terrain.

Water Safety

Batoche National Historic Site is located next to the South Saskatchewan River. Visitors are encouraged to view the river from a safe distance because of fast moving water. Swimming is not advised. Visitors may go paddling on the river. Always wear a PFD (Personal Flotation Device). For further safety tips on paddling in moving waters, please visit AdventureSmart.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility

At Parks Canada, we do our part to make sure you can have a safe visit by assessing the risks, managing hazards, and making sure that safety information is freely available to everyone. You can do your part as visitors by making sure you seek out the information you need to stay safe and make well informed decisions while enjoying these special places. Visit our websites and stop at a visitor center to speak with our employees for the most up to date information. Make sure you are fully prepared for whatever activities you choose to participate in so you can have a safe, enjoyable and memorable visit.

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