Commercial film and photography application guidelines

Klondike National Historic Sites

The Parks Canada Yukon Field Unit sites span some of the most spectacular and ecologically and culturally significant areas in the region, offering unparalleled film and photographic opportunities. In order to protect the sites’ resources and visitor experiences, and ensure the rights of land claim beneficiaries are not affected, commercial filming and photographic activities have special considerations.

Applications must be submitted well in advance, and will be assessed against the following:

When reviewing the application, Parks Canada may also consult with Indigenous partners in whose traditional territory the filming and/or photography is proposed. If approved, a Film/Photography permit will be issued.

Depending on the nature and complexity of the filming or photography request, the process to apply and obtain a permit at the following sites can take a few months. We recommend that you apply for the permit well in advance to ensure sufficient time for processing.

Parks Canada reserves the right to refuse any application that is not in the best interest of the Agency or revoke permission without notice if terms and conditions of the permit are violated.

An incomplete application may not be processed.

How to apply

1. Call to discuss your project and determine if you require a permit.

2. Complete application form and send to:

Stella Patera
Partnering and Engagement Officer
Parks Canada, Yukon Field Unit
(867) 332-3912

Parks Canada can assist with

What works well

What won't work


Production crew size Application fee Location fee (per day)
1 to 6 $160.00 $532.25
7 to 15 $399.25 $1,064.75
16 to 30 $798.50 $1,596.75
31 to 99 $2,661.25 $2,129.25

Parks Canada reserves the right to charge the non-refundable application fee upon receiving an application for a film licence. Fees must be received prior to filming / photography activities. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is included in all fees.

Depending on the scope, location and crew size, monitoring fees in excess of the fees above may be charged. Fees may also be reduced for proposals that help Parks Canada meet its mandate and provide direct benefits to the sites.

Before a film permit can be issued, you must provide proof of a comprehensive liability insurance policy indicating a minimum of $2,000,000, naming His Majesty the King in right of Canada as represented by Parks Canada Agency as additional insured, to be carried for the duration of the production in the park / site.

Important information

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