Summary of Sunshine Village Ski Resort Proposed Long-Range Plan

Banff National Park

Sunshine Village Ski Resort (Sunshine Village) is owned and operated by Sunshine Village Corporation. The resort operates under a Lease from the Parks Canada Agency (Parks Canada). The ski area is located in Banff National Park, 18km southwest of Banff, Alberta.

Consistent with the regulatory and policy requirements of Parks Canada, Sunshine Village is now proposing a first Long-Range plan (the “Long-Range Plan” or the “Plan”) for consideration. This Plan advances project components for:

  • Reclassifying certain temporary facilities and approvals as non-temporary commercial space.
    This component of the Long-Range Plan will allocate 1,081 square meters of the 3,650 meters of future additional commercial space provided in the 2018 Site Guidelines. This administrative change removes the temporary status condition in the development permit and building permit for each of these buildings.
  • Additional capacity for the existing TeePee Town chairlift, and a parking rail extension for the chairs.
    Twenty-four additional chairs will be installed on the existing ropeway. The parking rail, which is used to store chairs overnight and out of the high winds will be extended to accommodate and park these additional chairs.
  • Goat’s Eye II lift and associated glades.
    This component of the Long-Range Plan includes the construction of a new chairlift. This will be the second chairlift on Goat’s Eye mountain. The project also includes clearing under the lift line and glading certain tree islands between existing trails near the lift.
  • A day lodge located at the top of the Wolverine and Jackrabbit chairlifts (Wolverine Day Lodge).
    The site for the day lodge will be immediately adjacent to the top of the existing Wolverine and Jackrabbit quad chairlifts. Construction supplies and equipment will travel on the existing service road which has accessed the chairlift terminals for several years. Underground three phase power exists to the site which currently services the chairlifts. Tree removal will be conducted to make a pad for the building and allow for skier circulation around the building. An underground water line, sewer line, and fiber optic line will be installed from the day lodge down to the existing wastewater treatment plant.

Section 1: of this Long-Range Plan contains an overview of the Sunshine Village Ski Area, the ski area planning process adopted by Parks Canada and an identification of development projects that have either been implemented or are being advanced outside of the parameters of the long-range planning process.

Section 2: outlines the four components that are advanced by Sunshine Village for consideration by Parks Canada and the Minister responsible for Parks Canada. This section describes the scope, context, and need for each component. Substantiating policy for each component is described and the applicable requirements placed on Sunshine Village as part of the 2018 approval for the Sunshine Village Site Guidelines for Development and Use (2018 Site Guidelines) are outlined.

Section 3: consists of a summary of the findings of the Sunshine Village Detailed Impact Analysis (2021).

Section 4: addresses the comprehensive set of general requirements that must be reflected in the Long-Range Plan submission. This includes an Interpretive and Education Strategy, Ski Run and Vegetation Management Strategy, Environmental Management and Monitoring Strategy, Transportation and Parking Strategy, Staff Housing Strategy, and a Water Management and Snowmaking Strategy. Limits to growth and Resort balance are also addressed.

Section 5: will be added in the final Long Range Plan document, following completion of the public, stakeholder, and Indigenous engagement process. The engagement process will be outlined, the comments received will be summarized, and the Sunshine Village responses to those comments will be provided to Parks Canada.

Section 6: will be added in the final Long Range Plan document and contains a summary of Sunshine Village’s Implementation Plan.

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