How to get here

Banff National Park

Getting to Banff from Calgary

Travelling from Calgary to Banff? Get information on driving, parking, shuttles and other public transit options.

Getting around the Banff area

Get more information on the transit options in the area around Banff.

Visiting Lake Louise and Moraine Lake

Take Parks Canada shuttles or public transit to visit. Book your shuttle in advance. There is limited Lakeside parking. Moraine Lake access via bus only.

  Explore the park

The best Banff National Park experience happens when you step out of your vehicle and explore the park!

For more information on how to get around Banff National Park visit :

Banff & Lake Louise Tourism

Don't forget! National park passes are required when entering the national park.

Purchase your park pass here

Help shape the future of the Lake Minnewanka Area!

Parks Canada is developing a plan for the Lake Minnewanka Area in Banff National Park, which will set long-term direction for managing this special area, and we need your help to shape it.

Get involved and share your thoughts

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