
Elk Island National Park

Blue-green Algae Advisory

Issued: July 14, 2024

Parks Canada is advising visitors that blue-green algae is currently present in the waters of Astotin Lake.  You are advised to avoid contact with the water in the lake or near the shores of this lake at this time.

Blue-green algae produces a toxin (poison) that can cause serious illness to animals or humans who drink or have skin contact with water containing this toxin.  In some instances, domestic animals such as dogs and cattle have died as a result of ingesting toxin produced by the blue-green algae.  There are, however, no records of human deaths resulting from blue-green algae poisoning.

Symptoms of blue-green algae poisoning in humans may include fever, headache, dizziness, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, skin and eye irritation, sore throat and swollen lips.  Symptoms seldom persist for more than two or three days.

Individuals should take the following precautions:

1.   DO NOT DRINK WATER from or allow your pets to drink water from the Lake.

2.   DO NOT SWIM OR WADE or allow your pets to swim or wade in water containing visible blooms.

3.   AVOID CONTACT with blue-green algae dried on the shorelines.

4.   Swimmer's Itch Symptoms

Most of the blue-green algae blooms are short-lived.  Lakes and other water bodies affected by blue-green algae blooms usually return to a safe state within several days of the bloom. 

If you suspect a problem related to blue-green algae or require further information about blue-green algae, please contact Elk Island National Park at 780-922-5790, or Health Link Alberta at 1-866-408-5465.

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