Summary of Heritage Defining Characteristics – Lake Edith Cottages

Jasper National Park

Block 1

The heritage character of the cottages is enhanced by their uniform small scale, use of natural materials and log construction as well as rustic details. New development, alterations and additions should complement the rustic character of the block in their design, materials, and massing. The size of the cottages should be retained on a modest scale. New materials that would be appropriate include logs, log slab siding, wood shingle (no longer applicable due to firesmart principles (2021)), and stone. Equally important is the need to protect as much of the natural landscape as possible, to build into the trees and to keep the landscape in a natural state rather than having a cultivated or manicured look.

Lake Edith Cottage #38 – Block 1 Lot 1
Heritage character-defining elements include the massing, setback, simulated log siding, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #39 – Block 1 Lot 2
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction, rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #40 – Block 1 Lot 3
Heritage character-defining elements include the size, massing, rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #41 – Block 1 Lot 4
Heritage character-defining elements include the historical association with Calderon, the size, massing, rustic details and setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #42 – Block 1 Lot 5
Heritage character-defining elements include the rustic detailing, and the natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #43 – Block 1 Lot 6
Heritage character-defining elements include the size, massing, and setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #44 – Block 1 Lot 7 ** Priority structure – should be retained as intact as possible**
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction, rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #45 – Block 1 Lot 8 ** Priority structure – should be retained as intact as possible**
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction.

Block 2

The rustic character typical of early development in Jasper National Park is evident in the building styles, and includes the use of natural materials such as logs and wood shingles (no longer applicable due to firesmart principles (2021)), the multi-paned windows, and the use of stone for chimneys and foundations. In future alterations/interventions, these elements should be retained.

Lake Edith Cottage #46 – Block 2 Lot 1 ** Priority structure – should be retained as intact as possible**
Heritage character-defining elements include the use of materials (log, stone) in their natural colour and the construction technology. The natural landscaping of the site has been maintained.

Lake Edith Cottage #47 – Block 2 Lot 2 ** Priority structure **
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction.

Lake Edith Cottage #48 – Block 2 Lot 3 ** Priority structure **
Heritage character-defining elements include the building’s historical associations, its log construction, rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #49 – Block 2 Lot 4 ** Priority structure – should be retained as intact as possible**
Heritage character-defining elements include the historical associates, log construction, rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #50 – Block 2 Lot 5 ** Priority structure – should be retained as intact as possible**
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction, stone foundation and chimney, exposed pole rafters, cedar shingle roof (no longer applicable due to firesmart principles (2021)), and natural setting.

Block 8

New development, alterations and additions should be in keeping with the original rustic motif of the Lake Edith community. New materials that are appropriate are logs, log slab siding, and wood shingles (no longer applicable due to firesmart principles (2021)). New development should be of modest scale and be integrated into the landscape.

Lake Edith Cottage #32 – Block 8 Lot 6
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction, cottage appearance, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #33 – Block 8 Lot 5
Heritage character-defining elements include the original log construction, the low profile of the building and the natural, uncultivated setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #34 – Block 8 Lot 4
Heritage character-defining elements include the log walls, green wood shingled roof (no longer applicable due to firesmart principles (2021)), and open cultivated grassy setting with scattered pines.

Lake Edith Cottage #35 – Block 8 Lot 3
Heritage character-defining elements include the log slab siding and the natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #36 – Block 8 Lot 2
Heritage character-defining elements include the low bungalow style, materials and construction type as well as the open uncultivated grassy setting with scattered pine.

Lake Edith Cottage #37 – Block 8 Lot 1
Heritage character-defining elements include the remnants of the rustic log cabin and the uncultivated grassy slopes with scattered pine.

Block 9

The block is characterized by 1950s bungalow architecture. Some of the building retain rustic details such as stone foundations and chimneys, and slab siding. The lots are trees and the building are well-integrated into the landscape. The shoreline is relatively undisturbed and defines a public use area.

Efforts should be made to keep buildings to the same scale as those on lots 2-6. Leaseholders should be encouraged to keep the landscape as open and natural as possible, avoiding introduced species and fenced gardens.

Lake Edith Cottage #26 – Block 9 Lot 6
Heritage character-defining elements include the wood siding and the natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #27 – Block 9 Lot 5
Heritage character-defining elements include the rustic details.

Lake Edith Cottage #28 – Block 9 Lot 4
Heritage character-defining elements include the size, massing, rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #29 – Block 9 Lot 3
The heritage character of this lot has been diminished by development.

Lake Edith Cottage #30 – Block 9 Lot 2
Heritage character-defining elements include the scale and massing, log slab siding, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #31 – Block 9 Lot 1
Heritage character-defining elements include the panabode construction, stone detailing, and the open natural setting.

Block 10

Character defining elements of this block include the scale of the buildings, their use of wood siding and stone, and the natural setting. New development should respect the open natural setting. The area in front of the lots should remain unencroached.

Lake Edith Cottage #1 – Block 10 Lot 1
Heritage character-defining elements are largely confined to the rustic details and the natural area in the front of the lot.

Lake Edith Cottage #2 – Block 10 Lot 2
Heritage character-defining elements are largely confined to the rustic details and the natural area in the front of the lot.

Lake Edith Cottage #3 – Block 10 Lot 3
Heritage character-defining elements are largely confined to the rustic details and the natural area in the front of the lot.

Block 12

Character-defining elements include the scale and wood material of the buildings and the natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #4 – Block 12 Lot 1
Heritage character-defining elements include the use of stone and wood siding.

Lake Edith Cottage #5 – Block 12 Lot 2
Heritage character-defining elements include the wood construction and stone details.

Lake Edith Cottage #6 – Block 12 Lot 3
The heritage character has been diminished by development.

Block 14

The forested point of land is extremely important to the natural appearance of the Lake Edith shoreline. It should be kept encroached by cottage development.

Lake Edith Cottage #7 – Block 14 Lot 1
There are no character-defining elements.

Lake Edith Cottage #8 – Block 14 Lot 2
Heritage character-defining elements include the rustic details and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #9 – Block 14 Lot 3
Heritage character-defining elements include the rustic details and natural setting.

Block 16

The heritage character is defined by the homogeneity of the three modern buildings. They are similar in scale and setback, and share modern adaptations of the rustic style. The heritage character of the block is enhanced by the natural setting.

The homogeneity of this block needs to be protected. The rustic atmosphere of the buildings should be kept and new development (Additions, etc.) should be carefully controlled. The natural setting – free from planted lawns and gardens, fence and other landscape architecture – should also be preserved. Public right of way along the lakeshore should be reasserted.

Lake Edith Cottage #10 – Block 16 Lot 1
Heritage character-defining elements include the building’s log construction, its rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #11 – Block 16 Lot 2 ** Priority structure – should be retained as intact as possible**
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction, rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #12 – Block 16 Lot 3
Heritage character-defining elements include the rustic details and natural setting.

Block 20

Any new development, additions, or renovations should be in the same rustic style. Use of logs or log slab siding is recommended as well as wood shingles (no longer applicable due to firesmart principles (2021)) and stone as a trim or facing material, particularly for chimneys. Care should be taken to retain the natural landscape, trees and ground cover, and not to introduce lawns and cultivated gardens. As much as possible, new development should be integrated into the natural setting. The public right of way along the lakeshore should be reinstated.

Lake Edith Cottage #13 – Block 20 Lot 1
Heritage character-defining elements include the rustic details and the natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #14 – Block 20 Lot 2
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction, rustic details, and the natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #15 – Block 20 Lot 3
Heritage character-defining elements include log construction, rustic details, and natural setting. The landscaping around the cottage has been left in its natural state. The building is tucked into the trees. The shoreline is undisturbed, except for a dock and swimming raft.

Block 22

The heritage character of this block is diminished by the lack of uniformity of design, although character-defining elements include rustic details such as fieldstone chimneys and the natural treed setting. Any new additions or alterations should be modest in scale, as the cottages are already much larger than those of the 1920s and 1930s developments. The use of natural materials, such as wood or stone, is encouraged. There should be concerted effort to keep the landscape as natural as possible and resist the temptation for manicured lawns and cultivated gardens. A return to natural ground cover and tree growth is encouraged.

Lake Edith Cottage #16 – Block 22 Lot 1
The heritage character has been diminished by the scale of development, although the natural look of the area has been sustained in the clear-stained wood siding and the uncultivated landscape down to the lake.

Lake Edith Cottage #17 – Block 22 Lot 2
Heritage character-defining elements include the use of stone and clear-stained wood on the buildings, and the natural landscape in front.

Lake Edith Cottage #18 – Block 22 Lot 3
The heritage character of this building is diminished by the colour. Details such as the stone and burl wood reflect the rustic motif of the area. The natural landscape in front is another heritage character-defining element, although the effect is diminished by the artificial beach.

Lake Edith Cottage #19 – Block 22 Lot 4
Heritage character-defining elements include the rustic details and natural setting.

Block 23

This is a cohesive group of building in terms of scale, construction materials, and colour. These buildings exhibit some fine examples of the successful reinterpretation of the rustic style in the 1950s. The heritage character of the architecture is enhanced by the natural setting of the block. The tree cover and beach front in particular preserve the natural qualities of the Lake Edith shore. The homogeneity of the buildings – scale, materials, and colour – should be protected. The natural setting of the block – free from planted lawns or gardens – should also be preserved.

Lake Edith Cottage #20 – Block 23 Lot 1
Heritage character-defining elements include the size, massing, log construction, rustic details, and natural setting of the building.

Lake Edith Cottage #21 – Block 23 Lot 2 ** Priority structure – should be retained as intact as possible**
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction, rustic detail, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #22 – Block 23 Lot 3
Heritage character-defining elements include the size, massing, wood siding and shingles (no longer applicable due to firesmart principles (2021)), and the natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #23 – Block 23 Lot 4 ** Priority structure – should be retained as intact as possible**
Heritage character-defining elements include the log construction, rustic details, and natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #24 – Block 23 Lot 5
Heritage character-defining elements include the use of wood siding, stone details, and the natural setting.

Lake Edith Cottage #25 – Block 23 Lot 6
Heritage character-defining elements include the use of wood siding, stone details, and the natural setting.

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