Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use

Jasper National Park

3.0 Goals and Priorities

The following are Parks Canada's major goals and priorities for the management of Marmot Basin.

3.1 Ecological

  • Provide land use certainty that ensures ecological integrity will be maintained.
  • Secure habitat for sensitive species including grizzly bear, wolverine, lynx, woodland caribou and mountain goat.
  • Protect sensitive soil-vegetation complexes including rare plants and manage vegetation to reflect naturally occurring composition and structural diversity.
  • Demonstrate leadership in environmental stewardship.

3.2 Visitor Experience and Education

  • Enhance visitor experience.
  • Promote public understanding and appreciation of Jasper National Park and its World Heritage Site status.

3.3 Economic

  • Provide land use certainty; provide clear parameters for business planning in support of an economically healthy operation.
  • Encourage cooperation between Marmot Basin, the Town of Jasper, the tourism industry, the other mountain park ski areas, provincial agencies and Parks Canada to advance initiatives that strengthen the winter experience in the park and promotional activities.

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