Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use

Jasper National Park

7.0 Lease

Ski Area Management Guidelines

"At the request of a ski area operator, a new 42-year lease will be negotiated as part of the long-range planning process. Exceptions to the Ski Area Management Guidelines and development in less sensitive areas can be considered, as previously noted, for those areas that advance leasehold reconfiguration during the planning process, to expedite better protection of park lands.

Alternatively, a ski area operator may elect to negotiate a new 42 year lease upon expiration of their current lease.

The new lease will rationalize the leasehold boundary with the perimeter of the new Developed Area and reflect the negotiated Growth Limits. New leases will continue to be subject to legislation, regulations, policy and guidelines in force and as modified from time to time."

"New land, in exchange for removal of sensitive areas from the leasehold, will be managed through a Licence of Occupation.

Leasehold expansion will be prohibited. Licence of Occupations will be used to manage avalanche trigger zones that are outside of existing leasehold areas."

Page 6 and 7, Ski Area Management Guidelines , Minister of Environment, December 7, 2006


  • Negotiate, a new lease to reflect the Growth Limits and key parameters of these Site Guidelines.

Existing Situation

  • The ski area lease expires July 31, 2021.

Site Guidelines

7.1 Lease boundary changes and new licences of occupations are subject to appropriate approvals.

7.2 Marmot Basin has requested that a new 42-year lease be negotiated as part of the long-range planning process. Parks Canada will grant a new, negotiated 42-year lease upon ministerial approval of Marmot Basin's first Long-Range Plan and projects approved in the Long-Range Plan that do not require legislative undertakings may proceed to the permitting stage at that time. The new, negotiated 42-year lease will reflect the voluntary leasehold reduction and will confirm mutual intentions, subject always to appropriate legislative amendments, regarding any new license(s) of occupation provided for in an approved Long-Range Plan. Projects related to any new license(s) of occupation provided for in a Long-Range Plan may only proceed to the permitting stage following the completion of relevant legislative amendments.

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