
Glacier National Park

Restricted Activity - No alcohol consumption, cannabis consumption, campfires, or unregistered guests in the campground from 23:00-07:00 daily

Issued: May 06, 2024

No alcohol consumption, cannabis consumption, campfires, or unregistered guests in the campground from 23:00 - 07:00 daily

WHAT: Pursuant to Section 13(b) of the National Parks Camping Regulations, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is hereby prohibited between 23:00 – 07:00 the following day by order of the Superintendent.

Pursuant to Section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the following activities are hereby prohibited by order of the Superintendent:

·       Start or maintain campfires between 23:00-07:00 the following day;

·       Use or consume cannabis or cannabis products between 23:00-07:00 the following day;

·       Presence of unregistered visitors in the campground between 23:00-07:00 the following day.

WHERE: Snowforest Campground, Loop Brook Campground, Illecillewaet Campground.

PENALTY: Violation of these restrictions/ prohibitions may result in immediate cancellation of your camping permit, eviction from the campground, or charges under the Canada National Parks Act; maximum penalty $25 000. Camping fees will not be refunded.

Start date: 2024-05-06

End date: Until further notice

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