Gwaii Haanas Advisory Committee

Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site

The Gwaii Haanas Archipelago Management Board (AMB) worked closely with the Gwaii Haanas Advisory Committee during the last round of management planning for Gwaii Haanas.

Gwaii Haanas Advisory Committee
Gwaii Haanas Advisory Committee (left to right): Scott Wallace, Michael McGuire, Captain Gold, Mimi Lam, Keith Moore, Lynn Lee, Jim McIsaac, Niisii Guujaaw, Preston Sloan, Léandre Vigneault, Heron Wier, Sabine Jessen, Lindsey Doerksen, Paul Pearson

The committee members brought experience or perspective in one or more of the following: Haida traditional ecological and cultural knowledge of Gwaii Haanas, the tourism industry, recreational fishing, commercial fishing, Haida Gwaii youth, resource management, academia and the environmental non-government (ENGO) sector.

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