Cultural landscape

Riding Mountain National Park

Riding Mountain National Park's State of the Park Report

This is an assessment of the status of this national park as reported in 1990.

Environmental Assessments

Any proposed construction, operation or modification related to "physical works" and other specific activities in Riding Mountain National Park are subject to an environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). The assessment is to determine whether or not "the change" will affect the ecosystem, and if yes, how any negative effects may be avoided.

Summary lists of projects for assessment are posted in the Visitor Centre and the Administration Building. For information on CEAA or a listing of projects, check out the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agencies website. For more information contact the RMNP Environmental Stewardship Officer.

Research is Critical

To ensure the long-term integrity of the park's ecosystem, Research in National Parks is critical. Some of the on-going research and monitoring projects concern:

  • Ungulate and predator populations
  • Endangered species, such as the Golden-winged Warbler
  • Vegetation change and invasive alien species
  • The Clear Lake Basin Study
  • Reintroduction of fire and grassland ecology

By continuing this research we can work together toward keeping this park ecosystem healthy. If you would like any information on these research projects or on the Ecosystem Conservation Plan, stop at the Park Administration Building or contact the park.

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