
Riding Mountain National Park

Information Bulletin - Boat Cove Area Closed for Containment Curtain Installation

Issued: July 25, 2024

Parks Canada has closed the Boat Cove area (see map 1) for the construction and installation of an impermeable containment curtain in Clear Lake, as described in the July 19, 2024, Information Bulletin.

This closure includes:

  • 200 metres of the Clear Lake South Shore Trail from Boat Cove to the intersection with the South Lake East Trail;
  • Boat Cove parking area, including shoreline; and
  • All water (surface to bottom) and shoreline extending from the western edge of Boat Cove to the end of the pier (see map 1).

The containment curtain will be placed from Boat Cove to the Pier, to isolate the location where the zebra mussel was found last week and where water samples tested positive for eDNA.

The Temporary watercraft management measures for Clear Lake remain in place.

The ecology of Clear Lake is a top priority for Parks Canada, and staff remain committed to working with members of the Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation and others to safeguard the long-term health of the waters of Clear Lake.

For more information visit Riding Mountain National Park’s website

Map 1