
Torngat Mountains National Park

We rarely head out for an outdoor adventure with the expectation that something will go wrong, most times everything will go right. However, sometimes the unexpected happens and when it does, it's important that you are well informed and well prepared to minimize the negative impact of unfortunate circumstances.

For general information on how to stay safe and a list of the 10 essential items you should bring when enjoying the outdoors visit

Satellite Phones

Carry a satellite phone and be familiar with its proper use. The Iridium satellite phones are the most reliable for use in the Torngat Mountains National Park area at the moment. Carrying a SPOT or inReach Satellite Messenger device is also recommended.

In an emergency, call:

  • 24 hour emergency number at Park Canada Emergency Dispatch: 1-877-852-3100 or 1-780-852-3100 (Note: the 1-877-852-3100 number may not work with satellite phones)
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachment in Nain, Labrador: 1-709-922-2862

Be prepared to tell the dispatcher:

  • The name of the park you are in
  • Your name and the names of others in your travel party
  • Your satellite phone number
  • The nature of the incident
  • Your location: name of area (e.g. Saglek Fjord), & latitude/longitude or UTM coordinates
  • Current weather conditions: wind, precipitation, cloud cover, temperature, & visibility

Polar & Black Bears

The chance of encountering a Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) or a Black Bear (Ursus americanus) is extremely high in the Torngat Mountains. It is safest to travel with an experienced Inuit polar bear guard who is permitted to carry a firearm in the park. Carry effective and approved bear deterrents (crackers, screamers, air horns, etc.) and know how to use them. A lightweight alarmed electric fence is recommended for enclosing your campsite at night.

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