Angler diary

Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Become a fish management volunteer researcher at Kejimkujik.

Chain pickerel
A Chain pickerel


Anyone fishing in Kejimkujik can participate. No training is required.

What you need to do

Included with every fishing permit is an information package and angler diary. All you need to do is record when and where you fished, and the species and number of fish you catch.

At the same time you can help us remove the invasive Chain pickerel from Kejimkujik waters.

It's time to cast a line!

Return your angler diary

As a thank you, each returned diary receives a commemorative Kejimkujik fish management volunteer researcher crest. There is a unique design each year for you to collect and wear proudly!


April to August


Information collected in the angler diary is invaluable to our fish management program at Kejimkujik. This information significantly contributes to our understanding of angling effort at Kejimkukjik and relative species abundance.

It is also becoming a very important element of our invasive fish monitoring program. Each year, these angler diaries capture hundreds of hours of effort at Kejimkujik.

More information


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