
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Notice of prohibition: Management of noise, food, and garbage in the public campgrounds

Issued: May 22, 2024

Effective date: 

Until further notice

Prohibited activities: 

Pursuant to section 13 of the National Parks of Canada Camping Regulations, the following activities are hereby PROHIBITED by order of the Superintendent, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada.

No person shall: 

  • Use a generator except during the hours of 0900 to 1100 and 1630 to 1830. 
  • Use any radio, television, stereo, musical instrument, or anything that causes excessive noise.
  • Leave any human food, pet food, or similar organic material out, except for such reasonable periods required for preparing and consuming a meal, or for clean-up immediately after. All human food, pet food, or similar organic material shall be stored inside a completely sealed vehicle or camping unit that is constructed of solid, rigid material or stored in an approved animal proof facility when provided.
  • Leave any garbage unattended. All garbage must be deposited in park supplied garbage bins.
  • Dispose of dishwashing and grey water other than in exterior sinks at service buildings.
  • Behave in a campground in a manner that unreasonably disturbs other persons in the Park or unreasonably interferes with their enjoyment of the Park.
  • Park vehicles beyond the limit of their campsite.
  • Locate camping items beyond the limit of their campsite.
  • Leave a pet unattended.
  • Contravene prohibitions set out pursuant to section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, including consuming liquor or possessing open liquor except on a campsite with a valid permit.


All campgrounds are affected by this Notice; including Jeremy’s Bay Campground, Jim Charles Point Group Campground, cabins, Yurts, oTENTik, and primitive back-country campgrounds.


To minimise the degree of noise and disturbance to campers and enhance the safety and enjoyment of this public campground in the Park.


It is an offence under the Canada National Parks Act to contravene these prohibitions. Failure to comply may result in immediate cancellation of the camping permit, eviction from the campground and violators may be charged. Camping fees will not be refunded.

Original signed by Jonathan Sheppard, Superintendent, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada — 2024-05-22

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