
Aulavik National Park

Superintendents Notice

Issued: April 22, 2024

Pursuant to section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the following activities are designated as restricted in Aulavik, Ivvavik, and Tuktut Nogait National Parks. A permit is required prior to engaging in any of these activities and all permit holders must adhere to the terms and conditions identified on their permit:

All entry and travel

    All travel within and visitation to these National Parks, including day use, overnight, and multi-day trips.

Military exercises

    All personnel and equipment operating on behalf of any Canadian or foreign armed forces for the purposes of training, or entry and travel by any means.

Fuel caching

    Storage of petroleum based fuel in any location for future use.

Food caching

    Storage of food stuffs in any location for future use.

Filming or photography for commercial purposes

    Filming and photography activities conducted where the photographer:
    1) Is working to fulfill a commercial contract (including stock agencies);
    2) Is salaried for the purpose;
    3) Requires special permission or assistance from Parks Canada to access areas or resources(including Parks Canada staff).

All natural science, social science and archaeological research and collection

Visitors can obtain permits at the Parks Canada office in Inuvik or by calling 867-777-8800.


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