Establishment Agreement

Contract Priority for Inuvialuit

8.07 Bid invitation

Canada may invite bids, firstly from within the community of Sachs Harbour and secondly from within the Western Arctic Region. When inviting bids for Government Contracts related to the Park:

  1. Canada shall take all reasonable measures to inform Inuvialuit businesses of such bid invitations and to provide Inuvialuit businesses with a fair and reasonable opportunity to submit bids, notwithstanding that one or more such businesses may have submitted bids as part of the solicitation process. These measures will include the measures referred to in 8.03 above;
  2. where Canada intends to invite bids for Government Contracts related to the Park, the bid invitation process shall take into account the bid evaluation criteria contained in 8.05; and
  3. where a contract has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of (b) above, Canada shall ensure that the contract document contains appropriate terms and conditions to ensure that sub-contractors are also subject to the intent and specific provisions of the contract.

8.08 Implementation

Canada shall develop and maintain procurement policies to ensure consistent implementation of the provisions of this Article by all federal government contracting authorities. Canada shall develop these policies in consultation with the IRC .

8.09 Evaluation and monitoring

Monitoring and periodic evaluation of the implementation of the Article shall be part of the review process required under 7.05.

8.10 Review of this article

Canada and the IRC shall conduct a review of the effect of this Article within twenty (20) years of the signing of this Agreement. If the IRC and Canada agree after the review that the objectives of this Article have been met, the obligations of Canada under this Article shall cease within one (1) year of the completion of the review. If the obligations of Canada under this Article remain in effect after the initial review, the IRC and Canada shall review the requirement to continue such provisions every five (5) years or at such other times as they may agree.

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