3.2 Vision Statement For Aulavik National Park

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

3.2 Vision Statement For Aulavik National Park

This vision statement describes a desired future of what Aulavik should be like in 15 years. It is an inspirational view of a future for the park that helps to focus and guide the planning, management and operation while fostering closer cooperation and integration between people who care for and use the park.

In Fifteen Years...

  • Aulavik will have the same high level of ecological integrity that it does today;
  • Aulavik will be an exemplary model of subsistence usage for national parks where traditional uses are allowed;
  • Research and monitoring programs will have yielded a greater understanding of the state of park ecosystems, influences on ecological integrity, and appropriate management actions that maintain ecological integrity;
  • Aulavik will continue to serve as an important contributor to the maintenance of wildlife and plant species on Banks Island;
  • Aulavik's archaeological features, which span over 3000 years of history, will continue to be protected and presented for the benefit of Inuvialuit and all Canadians;
  • Aulavik will be an inspiration, especially for youth, of stewardship and proprietorship for the park, its resources and all of Banks Island;
  • The residents of Sachs Harbour will have developed a prosperous tourist infrastructure based largely in town and will be providing most of the commercial tourism-related services to visitors to the park;
  • Aulavik will be used by the Inuvialuit and Parks Canada as an exemplary model of low impact visitor use both in terms of impact on ecological integrity and on wilderness experience;
  • Aulavik will be renowned by ecotourists, naturalists and adventure travellers as a premier destination for Arctic wilderness experiences;
  • Traditional knowledge, scientific research and oral histories will provide a greater understanding of the wildlife populations in the park and on Banks Island; and
  • There will be a much greater understanding of the ecology of, and management actions for endangered species, including Peary caribou.
Antlers on the beach Antlers on the beach
© Parks Canada / Christian Bucher / 1999

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