6.3 Guided Over-snow Vehicle Touring

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

6.3 Guided Over-snow Vehicle Touring

Although not currently an activity in the park, commercially guided over-snow vehicle tours to Aulavik have been proposed. Under Zone II - Wilderness, this type of activity would not be permitted. However, there is considerable interest amongst the community of Sachs Harbour in developing commercially guided over-snow vehicle tours in the park. While normally not permitted in national parks, over-snow vehicle touring can contribute to the Parks Canada objective of maximizing the long-term social and economic benefits of Aulavik while protecting natural and cultural resources. Commercially guided over-snow vehicle touring is therefore permitted in Aulavik, subject to several conditions and environmental assessment as detailed below.

To accommodate guided over-snow vehicle touring, areas identified in accepted proposals will be identified as Zone III - Natural Environment, which permits motorized use. Identification of Zone III areas can occur only after proposals have undergone required environmental impact assessments, are mutually agreed to by Parks Canada and Inuvialuit representatives, and meet several criteria as detailed below. Zone III areas will be identified in detailed maps showing location, and will be appended to and become part of this management plan.

The following principles, guidelines and conditions must be met before rezoning can take place:

  • Zone III areas will be determined in accordance with ANPEA section 3.03 and through appropriate processes;
  • all requirements of Zone II, with the exception of those prohibiting over-snow vehicle touring, apply to Zone III areas;
  • the company proposing the activity is an Inuvialuit firm;
  • the company possesses a valid Parks Canada business licence, and the guides are licenced as national park guides (see Appendix D);
  • the geographical location of authorized oversnow vehicle access and activities are clearly specified (in addition to controlling access points, this would help to limit potential impacts to archaeological sites, vegetation and wildlife);
  • the season and duration of use are clearly specified so as to have the least possible impact on wildlife populations;
  • each trip by a licenced outfitter is individually screened;
  • proposals demonstrate that they relate to, or would offer, a reasonable visitor experience in keeping with national park values;
  • no traditional harvesting activities would be permitted while an outfitter is engaged in a commercial activity;
  • outfitters possess appropriate insurance;
  • and failure to comply with the regulations governing commercial over-snow vehicle activities may result in that outfitter being banned from engaging in such activities in the future. Such action would require a review and mutual agreement by Parks Canada and the IRC .

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