Meet Johanna, Resource Management Supervisor

Favourite part of your park?

So far my favourite place in Nááts’įhch’oh is Nı́onep'eneɂ Tué (Backbone Lake). This lake is at the bottom of a mountain valley with a well-worn wildlife highway and spectacular views. I enjoy rising to the challenge of the unpredictable weather that swells up in the valley and blasts out through the narrow pass onto the lake.

Best project/study you’ve gotten to work on?

The best part about ecological monitoring at Nááts’įhch’oh is that we are still in the beginning of collecting baseline data. The park is remote and difficult to access, so very few scientific studies have been done in the park area. We have started by collecting baseline data on ecological measures including water quality, air temperature and species presence. The park represents a landscape that has been relatively free from major human impact so this data can teach us a lot about natural disturbances, wildlife population changes and landscape health. I am excited to see what patterns emerge in our data over the next few years.

Favourite part of your job?

One of my favourite parts of the job is travelling to remote sites to collect field data. The other exciting part of my job is when we rush back to the office to look at what the new data can tell us about ecological changes. I also really enjoy opportunities to share information about the park's ecology at community presentations, management meetings or in the local schools. At these events I often get to learn more about the history of Nááts’įhch’oh as well.

What do you love about science/tech?

I love the process of exploring new questions, testing our ideas and creating new knowledge about the relationships between plants, animals and the landscape. For me, it's really exciting to collect data and use it to identify the unique patterns and stories of an ecological community.

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