The Tuktut Nogait Agreement

6. General Mandate of the Board


On receiving the further recommendation of the Board, the Minister shall approve and implement, vary or reject it.


Where the Minister varies or rejects the further recommendation of the Board, the Minister shall provide the Board with written reasons for her decision within sixty (60) days of receiving the further recommendation.


The DCH Director shall provide assistance to and shall work closely with the Board in the preparation of the Management Plan. The Board shall have the discretion to determine the extent to which it will itself become involved in the preparation and amendment of the Management Plan.


The DCH Director shall be responsible for implementing the Management Plan, and for Park operations. The Board shall monitor the DCH Director's implementation of the Management Plan, and it may report yearly on same to the Minister.


The Minister may authorize another person to fulfill the responsibilities of the DCH Director in relation to the Board, but that person shall then fulfil all of the responsibilities of the DCH Director in relation to the Board.


Canada shall pay all authorized costs associated with the preparation and implementation of the Management Plan and other approved Board recommendations to it.


On matters within the GNWT 's jurisdiction not requiring the attention of a Territorial minister, the Board shall advise the minister(s) in the first instance through a person authorized by the GNWT to respond to the Board on the GNWT's behalf, and that person shall approve and implement or reject the Board's recommendations.


If the GNWT's representative rejects the Board's recommendations, the Board may advise the appropriate minister(s) directly, and the matter shall then be resolved in accordance with the process laid out in Subsections 6.8 through 6.11, changed as required by the context.


The Board shall monitor the GNWT's implementation of its recommendations, and it may report on same annually to the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism (GNWT).


The GNWT shall pay all authorized costs associated with the implementation of approved Board recommendations to it.

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