Designated Activity - Commercial Filming, Photography and Research and Collection

Applicable to: All of Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada Pursuant to Section 7.1 (2) National Parks General Regulations

An authorization is required to commercially film or photograph or to engage in research or collection.

Commercial filming and photography activities are activities conducted where the filmographer or photographer

    1) is working to fulfill a commercial contract (including stock agencies);
    2) is salaried for the purpose,
    3) requires special permission, authority or assistance from Parks Canada to access areas or resources including Parks Canada staff.

Research and Collection means all Natural, Archaeological or Social Science research that involves fieldwork, collection of archaeological or wildlife or any natural objects or specimens.

Pursuant to subsection 7.1(4) of the National Parks General Regulations, any person intending to carry on a designated activity listed above shall apply for and obtain an authorization from the Field Unit Superintendent and shall comply with all terms and conditions prescribed therein.

Superintendant's orders

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