ArcticNet 2018 expedition onboard the Canadian research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen

Auyuittuq National Park

This project took place in summer 2018. Some research was planned for both Auyuittuq and Sirmilik National Park but for logistical reasons it only took place within Auyuittuq National Park. The project was part of the Amundsen’s annual oceanographic research program in the Arctic.


The 2018 CCGS Amundsen expedition took place from 25 May to 9 September 2018 and was divided into three segments or legs (see Appendix 1 for the list of sampling sites). Sampling activities were planned in Auyuittuq National Park during Legs 2b, from 13 July to 24 July, and during Leg 3, from 16 August to 9 September. One oceanography station was carried out in Coronation Fiord on July 22nd and a complete seafloor mapping survey of that fiord was conducted the following night. Three types of field activities were planned in Sirmilik National Park, but none took place due to bad weather, park closure or various time and logistical constraints.

Oceanographic sampling took place from the CCGS Amundsen at Station 6 located in Coronation Fiord (67.244oN, 64.623oW) to collect water samples at 15 depths using the CTD-Rosette. These samples allowed to assess the chemical and biological properties of the water column. The CTD cast provided valuable information on the physical properties (salinity and temperature) of the water column. A vertical net tow also provided samples of the zooplankton community and optical measurements were collected using an array of sensors.

Discussion and preliminary results

As shown in the vertical profile of temperature and salinity (Figure 3), a layer of warmer and fresher water was observed at the surface of the water column, down to nearly 30 m deep, with high chlorophyll-a concentration (1 to 2 mg/m3) over the top 50 m. Absorption by particles was high over most of the water column while absorption by colored dissolved organic matter were comparatively low. Samples of phytoplankton and zooplankton biodiversity remain to be analyzed. Similarly, data from the in situ optical sensors remain to be analyzed, with a qualitative observation of a high contribution to the optical signal 3 by particles showing large backscattering measurements over the visible wavebands and high absorption in the blue part of the spectrum.

Figure 3. Salinity and temperature profile from Station 6 in Coronation Fiord (67.244°N, 64.623°W)

Figure 3. Salinity and temperature profile from Station 6 in Coronation Fiord (67.244°N, 64.623°W).  

Amundsen Science Data Collection. 2018. CTD data collected by the CCGS Amundsen in the Canadian Arctic. 2018. ArcticNet Inc., Québec, Canada. Raw data. Limited distribution. Accessed from

A complete seafloor mapping survey and sub-bottom profiling of Coronation Fiord to about 150 m away from the glacier terminus took place the night of July 22 to July 23 (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Map of Coronation Fiord and the bathymetry (depth) obtained during the seafloor mapping survey conducted in Leg 2b

Figure 4. Map of Coronation Fiord and the bathymetry (depth) obtained during the seafloor mapping survey conducted in Leg 2b.

Amundsen Science Data Collection. 2018. Bathymetry data collected by the CCGS Amundsen in the Canadian Arctic. 2018. ArcticNet Inc., Québec, Canada. Raw data. Limited distribution. Accessed from

Research team

Louis Fortier, Principal Investigator, Scientific Director, ArcticNet Scientific Leader, Amundsen Science Professor, Université Laval
Anissa Merzouk, Amundsen Science, Université Laval

A total of 76 scientists sailed aboard the CCGS Amundsen during Legs 2b and 3 of the 2018 Expedition, during which sampling activities in two National Parks were planned. These scientists were affiliated with the Sentinel North International Ph.D. School and the ArcticNet marine-based research program. The Amundsen also carries a Canadian Coast Guard crew of 40 at any given time.

For more information on research that is conducted by the CCGS Amundsen, see, and

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