
Forillon National Park

Closing of the Les Parages trail

Issued: May 01, 2024

To ensure visitors safety, the Gavey-Bartlett heritage houses area, in Grande-Grave, is closed until further notice.

Please respect the signs at the entrance of Les Parages trails, in the South area of the park.

  • Text of the image in English

    Sector closure

    WHAT : Pursuant to Section 36(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, of the Canada National Parks Act, the following area is closed to the public by order of the


    WHERE : Gavey/Bartlett houses area in Grande-Grave.

    WHY : To ensure visitor safety.

    PENALTY : Violators may be charged under the Canada National parks Act.

    Maximum penalty 25 000$.

    Start date : May 1st 2024

    End date : Until further notice

    Approved by Mathieu Côté, Superintendent, Gaspésie Field Unit

    For more information, please call 418-368-5505

Text entitled area closure framed in red.


On the map to the right, the Les Parages trail is marked in red. This area is closed to hikers. The surrounding trails (La Tour du Mont-Saint-Alban, the eastern part of the Les Parages trail, Les Graves) marked in green are safe and open to hikers.

For more information on hiking trails and to download the trails map, visit our hiking webpage.

Map showing the Les Parages area closed to walkers

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