Recreation Centre

Forillon National Park


The recreation centre offers many services in Petit-Gaspé: heated pool, outdoor children’s playground, tennis court, convenience store and free Wi-Fi.

More info on the pool schedule and fees

Parking for persons with disabilities.


A paved pathway provides access to the building from the parking for disabled persons. It is 118 metres long with a grade between 3 and 5%, except the first 8 metres which has a grade of 10%.


The pool has a ramp to get into the water.

Photo : Aquam

Aquatic wheelchair (Mac): The aquatic wheelchair can be borrowed from the locker room and taken with you in the shower. Then, it will facilitate your entry into the pool with the dedicated ramp. This chair is not designed to float, but other personal flotation devices are available (PFD, float belt, etc.).

Photo : Aquam

Water walker: This water walker allows you to securely walk in the swimming pool. It can be borrowed from the locker room and taken with you in the shower and in the pool using the ramp.


The entire building and terrace are wheelchair accessible.

An interior ramp provides access to the locker room. It has an 8% grade, over a length of 8 metres.


An outdoor heated pool and a wading pool for cooling off are a joy for many families on vacation. They are supervised by lifeguards. The pool has a ramp to get into the water.


From the outdoor terrace, a wooden ramp leads to a stone dust pathway that runs near the play modules. The impact-absorbing surface of the playground is cedar chips.


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