Permits and licences

La Mauricie National Park

1. Special event permit

A special event is a temporary activity intended for, or designed to attract, the public and may be organized for entertainment, education, recreation or promotional purposes. The activity may take the form of a sporting event, concert, public presentation, theatrical or musical performance, fair, contest or show.

A permit is required if a special activity takes place in the national park. This includes activities organized by charities, a commercial enterprise, an individual or a non-profit organization or group.

New special event requests are reviewed by a committee of Parks Canada staff. The committee ensures that the request is appropriate and does not interfere with other activities. Parks Canada reserves the right to reject or exclude from the review process any special event request that does not meet the park’s legislative, regulatory or policy obligations, that jeopardizes public safety or the integrity of the park, or that significantly interferes with public enjoyment of the site.

In all cases where an event project seems to be suitable for La Mauricie National Park, you will be asked to fill out the activity request form (PDF, 814 KB) so that the project can be studied in greater detail.

Please note that:

  • All activities are subject to Parks Canada’s pricing policy and to the rates in effect at La Mauricie National Park, particularly with respect to entrance fees and rates related to lodging and use/rental of infrastructures.
  • All activities are also subject to Parks Canada’s communications policy.
  • All activity requests submitted will be subject to an environmental and cultural impact analysis.
Things to consider
  • The period between June 20 and Labour Day is one of the busiest in the national park. It is unlikely that an application for a new activity during this period will be approved.
  • The deadline to submit an application for a new winter activity (between November 1 and April 30) is September 1 and for a summer activity (between May 1 and October 31), February 1.
  • Please note that the cost of a special event permit is based on expenses incurred for goods and services provided by Parks Canada.

Projects that may be appropriate for a national park:

  • Projects requiring moderate deployment or simple implementation with little impact on the environment and visitors;
  • Projects that contribute to public awareness, appreciation and knowledge of Canada’s national parks and are consistent with the mission and values of the Parks Canada Agency.

The list of documents and information that will be required on the application form can be found at: activity request form in PDF (PDF, 814 Ko).

2. Business licence/permit

Any person or corporation doing business in La Mauricie National Park must obtain a business licence.

Business means any trade, industry, employment, occupation, activity or special event carried on in a park for profit, gain or commercial promotion, and includes an undertaking carried on in a park by a charitable organization, or by an organization or individual on a non-profit basis.

Each contractor and sub-contractor requires their own business licence to carry out its activities. All permit requests will be subject to analysis and the contractor must plan to submit them early enough, ideally the season preceding the start of activities, in order to allow them to be processed. For an application to be approved, certain conditions apply and these may vary depending on the nature of the proposed business activities.

To submit an application, contact

3. Licence of occupation

Some activities or events require the use of Parks Canada's land and/or infrastructure. In these cases, any person or organization wishing to occupy the land must obtain a permit whose conditions will determine the requirements for occupation including, but not limited to, compliance with: Parks Canada legislation, regulations and policies; the integrity of the park's natural and cultural resources, health and safety codes and standards, periods of use, and restrictions related to land use planning.

To submit an application, contact

4. Commercial filming and photography

To film or photograph in the national parks, an application must be submitted to Parks Canada minimum twenty days prior to activities. If approved, a Film/Photography Permit will be issued which outlines conditions and supplementary requirements associated with the production. This information will assist in the preparation of a film/photography application.

Please submit the filming application (PDF, 486 KB).

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