Plans and policies
Grasslands National Park
Management plan
The strategic direction for the management and operation of Grasslands National Park
What we heard — A new management plan for Grasslands National Park
A summary of the main points that were heard during consultations on the draft plan.
The establishment of Grasslands National Park
Discover how Grasslands National Park came to be
Management Plan for Grasslands National Park
Management plans are a requirement of the Canada National Parks Act and guide the management of national historic sites, national parks and national marine conservation areas.
The Grasslands National Park of Canada Management Plan, 2022 was developed through public consultation and based on input from local stakeholders, partners, residents, visitors, and Indigenous communities in southern Saskatchewan. The plan outlines four key strategies:
- Growing land base and sustainable park infrastructure with a focus on park completion and continuing to acquire remaining properties within the park’s proposed boundary.
- Species at risk and resource management aimed at protection of the park’s treasured landscape with all its natural and cultural resource values. Increasing partnerships and improving knowledge, particularly with Indigenous peoples, local communities and conservation interests, will also be key elements of this strategy.
- Developing a meaningful and quality visitor experience to offer visitors a powerful experience that is appropriate and feasible for the park at this stage, including the completion of the park’s two campgrounds and other key components.
- Building support and connection with Indigenous peoples and stakeholders, including relationship building and partnerships to better engage with Indigenous peoples, local communities, visitors, licensees, park neighbours, and other stakeholders that are vital to the success of Grasslands National Park.
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