Waverly Heights Municipal Park trail expansion

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO - September 22, 2022 – Parks Canada would like to advise the public that trail construction will be starting at Waverly Heights Municipal Park, located at 1189 Scollard Drive along the Trent-Severn Waterway in Peterborough, Ontario.

Beginning the week of September 26, 2022, safety fencing and signage will be erected, and construction equipment will start to arrive on site. Excavation and grading for the accessible multi-use pathway will start in early October and will be completed in November 2022. This will include restoration of the park lawn and trailside areas impacted by construction.

Access to most areas of the park including the playground equipment and basketball court are expected to remain open during construction. No impacts to roadway traffic or navigation on the canal are anticipated.

Turf restoration and landscaping activities to complete the project will be finalised in the spring of 2023 once the weather becomes favourable for such activities.

This pathway will connect pedestrians and cyclists with the existing Thompson’s Bay Dam Trail, and also serve as an inspection and maintenance access route for the dam.

Parks Canada makes every effort to limit the impact of our construction and maintenance work on visitors and residents. Members of the public are advised to obey all safety signage which will be in place and we thank the public for their support and cooperation while we undertake these important investments into the infrastructure in Peterborough.

Parks Canada is leading this important infrastructure work to ensure safe, high-quality experiences for visitors by improving heritage, visitor, waterway, and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas, including along the Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site.

More Information:

For questions or concerns, or to receive email updates regarding this project, please contact us at trentsevern@pc.gc.ca and include “Waverly Heights Trail” in the subject heading. For news about this or other infrastructure projects in your area, or for Questions and Answers on this project, please visit: pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/trentsevern

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