Waterton after wildfire: A blog about restoration and renewal

Waterton Lakes National Park

Kenow Wildfire: impact on the landscape

Footage captured soon after the Kenow Wildfire showing the variable impact on the landscape and infrastructure.

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Salamander tunnel fencing restoration

Parks Canada staff and a crew of volunteers came together to help long-toed salamanders after the Kenow Wildfire.

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Kenow Wildfire: 12 months on

A photo gallery looking at how the park has changed and shown resilience in the 12 months since the Kenow Wildfire.

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Watching wildlife in the Waterton Valley

These images show a sampling of wildlife species present in the Waterton Wildlife Corridor Project area. Many demonstrate the resilience of wildlife following the major natural disturbance of the Kenow Wildfire.

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Rising from the ashes

All landscapes undergo a natural cycle of disturbance and renewal. For park visitors, scientists and park staff, life after the Kenow Wildfire offers a rare chance to see how a national park regenerates following an extreme wildfire.

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Wildlife and wildfire

This timelapse video was created using still images from a remote camera which was attached to a tree as the Kenow Wildfire burned in Waterton Lakes National Park.

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Trail crew at work

Our trail crew has repaired damaged and destroyed infrastructure, and assessed, cut and cleared fallen and burned trees to reopen over 50 km of previously closed trails. See photo highlights of them working on the Bertha trail.

Photo gallery

Archaeology in a burned landscape

The Kenow Wildfire of 2017 has presented a unique opportunity for archaeological research in Waterton Lakes National Park.

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Red Rock historical

These archaeological finds in the Blakiston Valley illustrate how different stories were inscribed upon the landscape in the park.

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Clean sweep for wildlife

In 2018, volunteers helped remove hundreds of kilograms of debris from Waterton’s roadsides and popular trails. The debris was unearthed by the Kenow Wildfire burning through the park.

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Wildfire effects on bats in Waterton Lakes

The Kenow Wildfire in 2017 presented the unique opportunity to study the effects of an exceptionally intense wildfire on a variety of species living in Waterton Lakes National Park, including bats.

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